Posted on 03 June 2019, 00:33 by:
qazmlpok Score
Base +22, shaolan-kun +6, shiranai +7, Bernkastel-kues +6, Forx +6, Entoma +5, SpaceCamel +6, bunnygunny +7, Maxer123 +6, tj911 +5, Zelinko +9, vfjTgw +14, Jinsei_Owata +6, and 4 more...
Base +5, shiranai +7, Entoma +5, tj911 +5, Zelinko +9, Wischkaemper +7, vfjTgw +14, Jinsei_Owata +6, Hyoros +15, DarkWizard41 +6, epicgamer904 +5
Base +6, shiranai +7, Forx +6, endwar614 +7, bunnygunny +7, Maxer123 +6, Zelinko +9, jazz154 +8, sweetflan +9, Altona Falcon +11, JumpingJellybeans +5, ChaseRaph69 +5, RubyRoy +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 03 June 2019, 02:03 by:
A0_ Score
Base +6, RedUnit10 +9, The Inker +8, RubyRoy +5
Base +6, Gespens -8, Takepyon -6, TouhouPairings -6, s0ulkill8r -30, Entoma -5, Teh_Red_Guy -10, Waterhats -3, Zantos -7, tehcrazyman -7, Cadavrus -6, Zelinko -9, Zippy8k -7, and 2 more...
Base +9, Forx +6, Takepyon +6, Teh_Red_Guy +10, bunnygunny +7, SCSS +19, Maxer123 +6, tehcrazyman +7, Cadavrus +6, ShyMystic +6, atomskxxx1 +6, sweetflan +9, TheSol +5, and 1 more...