Base +21, hatsue21 +4, androslut +8, Bullettime +5, KaTIOWa +6, y-u-no-face111 +8, HelmutRegner +4, Marisa Kirisame +8, jzc136 +7, DiskSystem -2, MilkPorn7 +5, mpmpmpmp -11, PhantomEnigma +4, and 6 more...
Base +3, salimguy +7, androslut +8, c556506 +2, Marisa Kirisame +8, DiskSystem -2, Tsukimaru +19, FieryBox +5, Jenkitsune +6, BTResection +6, thaysd +6
Base +1, androslut +8, Anonymous404 -6, y-u-no-face111 -8, d4vv3 +8, Psyche-chan99 -3, Strykarkatt -13, George642 -9, Zahhak -6, Marisa Kirisame -8, RLeader -6, coolguy81 -5, Namesarehard -6, and 13 more...
Posted on 22 July 2012, 06:53 by:
tubes Score
Base +2, Elbowsmash +7, Bullettime +5, dc_again +14, Mukouda +8, beeruang +15, KaTIOWa +6, thefameboy64 +6, Psyche-chan99 +3, Strykarkatt +13, ho1ylancer +7, k_flint +8, drk542 +4, and 55 more...
Posted on 21 November 2012, 16:21 by:
tikis6 Score
Base +5, Tsukimaru +19, Huy +6, Jenkitsune +6, bananafairy -6, rugga +4
Base +11, c556506 +4, HelmutRegner -4, Marisa Kirisame +8, jzc136 +7, DiskSystem +2, Tsukimaru +19, karren20 +6, Arcadian_Rook +6, Zezibesh +6, Paptimus Scirocco +6, hulkmandare +6, RARmaster +5, and 21 more...
Posted on 02 September 2013, 20:39 by:
Atfoolish Score
Base +1, DiskSystem +2, Tsukimaru +19, SoSavage -5, Paptimus Scirocco +6, Huy +6, Jenkitsune +6, bananafairy -6, rugga +4
Posted on 22 August 2015, 22:45 by:
Taz9000 Score
Base +15, Jenkitsune +6, iroboke neko +5, flopating +6, Anime Janai +28, rugga +4
Posted on 29 June 2019, 00:54 by:
yecksha Score
Base +6, D6- +7, thekingofchaos -5, BlameTheCreator +5, Draw99Gray +18, SeriousTom -6, shelbo +6, defski +9, EleFREAKBR -6, love_is_over -5, Blasterfight +7, absolugom -7, rugga +4, and 7 more...