Scanned by me. Commissioned by mlkio. If you enjoy reading this please donate on Paypal at [email protected], even if it's just the cost of the doujin (Scanning doujins is such a expensive hobby).Please help me upload forgotten bonus booklets, because these booklets are going to disappear and lost forever.
This was saved in low quality JPEG settings. Do not use these for typesetting. PM me if you want the Raw files.
My scan shop: If you want to design a collage of the doujins I'm offering there, please do (and please give me the source file so i can edit it) and I will reward you with a free doujin scan except for the most expensive one in my shop. I'm also accepting translations for scans. The current rate is 1:1 This does apply to the Tachibana Omake but only if you're willing to translate 50 pages of stuff.