Posted on 14 July 2019, 07:19 by:
cocy Base +6, en-x +6, Konfa +7, weizhip +5, seer34 -6
Base +6, Blu3wolfxuan +5, Arctan0 +6, jgqa +3, zyyub +6, Norman_Frostmourne +5, yunnch +6
Posted on 14 July 2019, 14:32 by:
tdyzsw Score
Base +4, 枫紫痕 -5, vczh -6, Na2HPO4 -6, Xerath1031 -5, 982989606a -6, lovelyshana -6, perrrryW +6, qazzq -6, gp65y3 -6, wdad1131 -5, daimutou607 -6, sakino69 -3, and 7 more...
Base +5, 枫紫痕 -5, kisasi +6, Xerath1031 +5, NHSPGRecker -6, uraniumcarrot +6, 46ZSLSLO6 +6, shiliguang +5, bareksjjwwknjwknn +4, Deerzhi +5, xiaoyujie +6, Lexington2333 +5, 1232343456 +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 14 July 2019, 17:08 by:
liwuef Score
Base +6, uraniumcarrot +6, shiliguang +5, 大现充 +6, seer34 +6, Norman_Frostmourne +5, GRAHAMG +5
Base +6, VON-hamster +1, bakaprc -6, EWHGQ -3, zweiteotaku +6, liangpig2 +2, 一玖皇嵩 -7, sukidayone +3, 6666hero +3, wangjing yang +2, GRAHAMG +5, mikegood +7, rw_001 +5
Base +5, shiliguang +5, excitinggentleman +6, perrrryW +6, IcePlume +6, chenzhida +6, Albert C +6, 大现充 +6, Meng Meng +6, Deerzhi +5, NHSPGRecker +6, lyt0923 +5, Notec17 +6, and 35 more...
Posted on 15 July 2019, 02:54 by:
菩提子 Score
Base +6, perrrryW +6, Albert C +6, 大现充 +6, Deerzhi +5, Lexington2333 +5, 1232343456 -6, TYPE-IX +3, seer34 +6, Norman_Frostmourne +5, 6666hero +3, GRAHAMG +5, tony940263582 +13
Base +2, Lexington2333 +5, TYPE-IX +3, seer34 +6, 6666hero +3, GRAHAMG +5, weiyoudukang +5, 樱华烬灭 +4, q122458900 +6
Base +5, Lexington2333 +5, hentai~feng +6, TYPE-IX +3, 6666hero +3, loliconzhang +4, GRAHAMG +5, weiyoudukang +5
Base +3, Royal_Fortune +6, 6666hero +4
Posted on 04 August 2019, 03:16 by:
LeeGoeth Score
Base +1
Base +4, Royal_Fortune +6, 6666hero +4, Xavier kun +6, q122458900 +6, Riftborn +6
Posted on 27 April 2023, 13:15 by:
QH9QWX Score
Base +6, czrs1 +4
Posted on 20 November 2024, 17:02 by:
qqkkhkl Score
Base +6