"Lightly censored" is an overstatement, it's a draw your own genitalia release. At least be more subtle about it and don't cover up the text with the censor circles.
The story is pretty nice, though the delinquents dialogue is a little cringeworthy. Art is nice, but obviously I can't comment on any genitalia.
I wouldn't mind if you added a link to your patreon in the image(s) for public releases like this. I understand this community generally dislike advertising, but I straight up can't even find your patreon for the what I assume is the uncensored patreon-only release.
Base +9, Dabor +5, deviatesfish +8, msrat +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, Slave Girl +16, holy89 +8
Shouldn't this be western? Usually western comics are listed under western, anyway. Would be nice to have an expanded western section to differentiate comics and galleries, but afaik, that's how things go.