Posted on 12 August 2019, 06:28 by:
piyin Score
Base +26, Berkut v3 +7, chexusai +6, TanoshiMoose +6, kondoriyano -6, oneiwonder +7, AkadShadoWalker +6, zeroken_kurayami +6, Quey +6, Guardsman40k +7, bogox +6, as102 +10, savint +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 12 August 2019, 06:32 by:
kertia Score
Base +6, AkibaHole -5, Berkut v3 -7, chexusai -6, HatredElric -6, S@LT33 -5, Dafuq123 -6, zeroken_kurayami -6, mapa2 +4, mrwayne -17, edson -14, war15 -8, landegre +6, and 3 more...
Base +4, LMAC +8, damnspams +7, TanoshiMoose +6, oneiwonder +7, Quey +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Guardsman40k +7, as102 +10, BFBK +6, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6, gotee +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 12 August 2019, 07:46 by:
powercc00 Score
Base +5, jjaysenea2003 +6, zomozomo -6, jfragrettel +8, timbus -12, landegre -6, kondoriyano -6, glvdtr -25, bagiaaa -12, Guardsman40k -7
Base +6, WonderWomanHerself +2, oneiwonder +7, vmw -6, jfragrettel +8, Moojuice +7, landegre -6, Avp369 +6, Knife Prty +7
Base +7, oneiwonder +7, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 08:48 by:
lonlinlao Score
Base +6, TanoshiMoose +6, oneiwonder +7, Quey +6, jfragrettel +8, immortal rain +6, landegre -6, gotee +6, Knife Prty +7, Megaton +42, HunterBlackLuna +6, IncognitoMaud +6, kamisking +6, and 3 more...
Last edited on 13 August 2019, 00:41.
Base +6, acceleratus -6, StratosXZ -9, momoyo -13, oneiwonder -7, Dafuq123 -6, zeroken_kurayami -6, Imsolo -6, mrwayne -17, Mrsuperhappy +31, landegre -6, AAF +6, Und3adgam3r -7, and 2 more...
Base +6, oneiwonder +7, Quey +6, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6, KnightBloodZero +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, FappingToTheBeat +6, ComplexSavior +6, retrospectrum +6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 10:15 by:
poke-- Score
Base +6, +6, oneiwonder +7, Quey +6, MechWarriorNY +9, celltf +16, BFBK +6, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6, gotee +6, KnightBloodZero +6, MelmothTheWanderer -6, canabush +7, and 17 more...
Posted on 12 August 2019, 10:49 by:
TLM1986 Score
Base +6, oneiwonder +7, Quey +6, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6, KnightBloodZero +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, ExtremeRampage +1, rjimenez666 +6, GaRbS +6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 10:50 by:
Arutima Score
Base +7, oneiwonder +7, Quey +6, jfragrettel +8, war15 +8, landegre -6, Jago Smith +8, Knife Prty +7, HunterBlackLuna +6, Shurikensei +9, anonymousMember +6, shinnt +17
Posted on 12 August 2019, 11:03 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +7, oneiwonder +7, MechWarriorNY +9, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6, HunterBlackLuna +6, abrickhouse +6, shinnt +17, GaRbS +6
Base +7, celltf +16, arthxxx +4, Fills +6, jfragrettel +8, Isolation_Q +6, landegre -6, gotee +6, Knife Prty +7, Megaton +42, Guardsman40k +7, shinnt +17
Base +7, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6, deadarm +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, MelmothTheWanderer -11, GaRbS +6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 11:26 by:
knives122 Score
Base +6, pihip +6, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 11:27 by:
dakight Score
Base +13, Quey +6, bogox +6, jfragrettel +8, PinguPrin +6, pepsisir +6, ppooppplus +4, Fills +6, landegre -6, gotee +6, deadarm +6, Megaton +42, necrosis527 +11, and 5 more...
Base +6, jfragrettel +8, ppooppplus +4, landegre -6, Knife Prty +7, HunterBlackLuna +6, Tehlolimaster +6, somercet +9, CantheDandyMan +1
Base +7, jfragrettel +8, landegre -6
Base +3, pihip +6, jfragrettel +8, Quey +6, landegre -6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 18:39 by:
knives122 Score
Base +6, celltf +16, PinguPrin +6, landegre -6, deadarm +6, shckwv +12, HunterBlackLuna +6, Imsolo +6
Posted on 12 August 2019, 19:53 by:
Naliys Score
Base +7, BigBreast-Litovsk +7, PinguPrin +6, bigmak +6, landegre -6, pihip -6, deadarm +6, Homi +6, docterderp +6, Megaton +42, HunterBlackLuna +6, rising11 +9, MechWarriorNY +9, and 6 more...
Posted on 13 August 2019, 15:43 by:
Huoratron Score
Base +20, Mingosei +7, landegre -6, pihip +6, docterderp +6, shinnt +17
Posted on 13 August 2019, 18:12 by:
Shevanel Score
Base +7, landegre -6, pihip +6, mrwayne +17, Knife Prty +7, shinnt +17
Posted on 14 August 2019, 19:43 by:
Wasey299 Score
Base +6, celltf +16
Posted on 24 August 2019, 04:03 by:
0ld0neEye Score
Base +15
Base +6, Patch_ +6, Dspayre +6, shinnt +17
Base +6, docterderp +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, rising11 +9, Mayuu77 -6, necrosis527 +11, shsrzrzx +5, LUIGI-DUDE +7, Captian Katsura +7, Imsolo +6, okmonger +4, Guardsman40k +7, MelmothTheWanderer +11, and 2 more...
Posted on 24 August 2019, 06:33 by:
Noni Score
Base +38, Guardsman40k +7
Posted on 24 August 2019, 11:42 by:
H0R0 Score
Base +8, HunterBlackLuna +6, necrosis527 +11, shinnt +17
Posted on 14 September 2019, 00:07 by:
Kippers Score
Base +12, shinnt -17, GaRbS -6
Posted on 20 November 2019, 04:02 by:
bergil Score
Base +6, manongmorcon +15, Imsolo -6, rjimenez666 -6, AkaiKurai +7, joeyzz +6
Base +6, manongmorcon -15, Rou123 -9, Imsolo +6, progste -11, Mysael -29, Guardsman40k -7
Posted on 21 May 2022, 15:50 by:
vouz Score
Base +6