This story is the latest story of the series of Shimotsuki family, and I have basically read with the help of online translating service, and it is about Shimotsuki Kirika the daughter in the first episode and her mother in previous episodes. A Japanese introduction about the story is attached above, read unless you are interested.
The rest all in Japanese and I do wanna translate, use google translate or read yourself...
Order is a bit chaotic,my bad and I will use another way to name them next time.
Just wondering if it is such necessary to have the previews for previous episodes, but I found that basically I did not remember much of them after several months so at least I think that's a good brief review.
Again, thank you www233 for his honorable sharing and if you like this artwork please support the artist directly like through dlsite etc.
non-text: p1-p178
samples for previous episodes with text: p179-p415