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[じゅりさん] Turning into Cow Milfs.


Posted:2019-09-04 14:58
File Size:244.6 MiB
Length:130 pages
Favorited:345 times
Average: 3.93

Showing 1 - 40 of 130 images

Posted on 04 September 2019, 14:58 by:   julienx    PM
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A woman finds a carton of milk that has turned bad!

Hopefully she won't undergo the same fate...

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This was made with help of my GF, you can find her work here:
Posted on 20 September 2019, 01:26 by:   babblingfaces    PM
Score +27
A bit of constructive criticism...

You're putting way too many superfluous panels into the gallery. Very often it seems like we're treated with different versions of a single same panel, or even duplicated panels that don't change whatsoever, and it spoils the flow of the sequence. You have to make your mind up and remove those panels that are unnecessary or straight-up first drafts (see panels 45-46 as an example, there's a single change to them and that is the character's elevation - clearly one of these two is just a correction over the other, we don't need the uncorrected panel on top). You could probably trim this gallery down to about 90 pics and not lose anything in the process. This doesn't mean "rush through the sequence" either, just make sure that what you include isn't just padding out the sequence.

Second, you gotta put a little more thought into the 'what' and 'why' of a fetish. Fair, this is subjective, but when you turn characters into 'MILFs' the part to highlight is the "M". It works great with the main character as the breastfeeding theme does have motherly qualities to it, but she was a mother to begin with too. Even if it's just in the style of dressing, there has to be something identifying the girls that later become MILFs as MILFs beyond growing bigger and getting bigger bewbs (also because this style of art/render doesn't lend itself well to showing age - you honestly can't tell the second transformee became older). You could have had one of the friends act motherly with the other instead of just sitting on them, or show the girls acting out like the main character for others as an epilogue image. There's very little to identify the last two characters as MILFs, if that is the angle you wanted to go with. And finally, you can't make a TF without dedicating a panel to the final form!! We never get to see the three girls in a full frontal shot, only a shot from the back, maybe exiting the house or something. You absolutely need one which, again, goes back to taking some time to think what makes a fetish work.

Anyhow, some thoughts here. Hope they help! I liked the sequence very much regardless. :D
Posted on 20 September 2019, 13:53 by:   julienx    PM
Score +23

Hi, thanks for the constructive criticism,

I do agree with the statement that a lot of this sequence is redundant, especially page 45/46, which was a mistake to post on my part.

I tried to go for a lot of subtlety in the poses and faces, but with the limited options in HS, it comes of very samey.

As for the milf transformations for the daughters: I played around with the idea of turning them more motherly, but I couldn't figure out how to change them into proper Milfs, while also keeping some semblance of their former selves. If I were to make a continuation, I will surely try to fix that, and have them in a situation where they would be able to act a lot more motherly.

And next time I will make sure to show the transformees in their full glory instead of just hinting at some sequel.

Thanks for being so constructive and non-hostile, I will surely keep it in mind the next time!


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