Posted on 05 September 2019, 21:38 by:
AirBird Score
Base +7, EJUNK -6, sgc_geh +9, finagle07 +6, GeniusInFrance +2, Pink Chaos -6, xxxcalibur +10, sign-if-i-cant_other +7, EvaOtaku07 +18, ussr_without_⑨ +11, laimer +6, luigi24 +6, tekaitsu -12, and 6 more...
Base +6, nowittycomment +14
Posted on 05 September 2019, 22:07 by:
user00 Score
Base +8, sgc_geh -9, patokite91 -9, sign-if-i-cant_other -7, JoyPanda -8, Shadow_771 -10, sidekick777 -6
Posted on 05 September 2019, 22:27 by:
Napi200 Score
Base +6, GeniusInFrance +2, patokite91 +9, sysynn +6, Dark Mac -12, sign-if-i-cant_other +7, JoyPanda +8, luigi24 +6, tekaitsu -12, sidekick777 +6, cm4000 +6, eaglewateek +6, tobiichimakina +3
Base +6, sign-if-i-cant_other +7, Romi the Byzantine +7
Base +10, PonyPonyPonyPony -9, sign-if-i-cant_other +7, AnoneMook +6
Base +6, sign-if-i-cant_other +7, MapleSyrup +7, Otiropas77 +7, nowittycomment +14, baleno +6
Base +7, tobiichimakina +3