Posted on 10 September 2019, 15:41 by:
Viktor0nk Base +6, PiePriate +6, Fofotron +6, ulgaming +7, 924zero +6, Soldier A +6, BFBK +6, bigscuba +3, Megaton +42, Universal_Lover +6, kamisking +6, suratkabar +7, nolol111 +6, and 50 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 16:56 by:
coes159 Score
Base +7, Fofotron +6, Huoratron +20, cAntW0 +10, mrwayne +17, ulgaming +7, zinos6 +8, Soldier A +6, bigscuba +3, Megaton +42, gotl +13, shinedota +7, Universal_Lover +6, and 47 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 17:06 by:
Noni Score
Base +38, yutshu +6, as102 +10, ulgaming +7, damusdamus12345 +4, BFBK +6, bigscuba +3, Megaton +42, shinedota +7, repec +12, Universal_Lover +6, kamisking +6, wootmaster +6, and 24 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 17:12 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +28, PiePriate +6, ulgaming +7, Ez-Burning +6, register_me +6, BFBK +6, bigscuba +3, shinedota +7, Universal_Lover +6, liberius +6, Leonidas23 +7, KnightBloodZero +6, BobSagetkitty +6, and 29 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 17:21 by:
Fatso999 Score
Base +11, Fofotron +6, yutshu +6, liberius +6, LaviRoux +6, pokey1 +6, mnbvcxz11 +6, SpectralTime +6, firestoneishot +6, WisteriaBerlitz +6, BigOOFF +2, emmanuelman +7, anonymas +7, and 9 more...
Base +8, yutshu +6, Soldier A +6, bigscuba +3, Megaton +42, popcorn99 +6, Gh1 +7, ShadowKingthe7 +4, Remv123 +5, Universal_Lover +6, liberius +6, kamisking +6, LaviRoux +6, and 41 more...
Base +11, FireSempaii +7, blaqkthespian +6, okmonger -4
Posted on 10 September 2019, 18:09 by:
SyriasX Score
Base +6, ulgaming +7, Soldier A +6, Animefan268 +6, phantasys +6, Und3adgam3r +7, bigscuba +3, Caelleh +6, shinedota +7, Universal_Lover +6, derp9001 +6, liberius +6, musoukaXIV +10, and 38 more...
Last edited on 13 September 2019, 23:51.
Base +6, yuki180 +6, Soldier A +6, Animefan268 +6, day of darkness +9, fag1234 +6, Und3adgam3r +7, bigscuba +3, Caelleh +6, shinedota +7, derp9001 +6, liberius +6, musoukaXIV +10, and 49 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 19:19 by:
Aelth Score
Base +6, liberius +6, Otiropas77 +7, notfunnyguy +4, WisteriaBerlitz +6, PKLove23 +7, budgieboi +6, Comrade Claus +8, OoferGang +5, Hugh Jarse +6, DarioEmpio -7
Posted on 10 September 2019, 19:49 by:
EvilSanta Score
Base +6, Animefan268 +6, bigscuba +3, Caelleh +6, liberius +6, kamisking +6, Leonidas23 +7, redbone +15, Imsolo +6, hentie85 +6, Otiropas77 +7, bogox +6, notfunnyguy +4, and 24 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 22:08 by:
poke-- Score
Base +6, Und3adgam3r +7, bigscuba +3, Moroboshi Yuumei +7, Caelleh +6, gotl +13, Hollow_Gaea +7, AN1337 +6, shinedota +7, Larvaska +6, Universal_Lover +6, gluk13 +10, liberius +6, and 55 more...
Posted on 10 September 2019, 23:15 by:
SSJR2 Score
Base +6, Moroboshi Yuumei +7, Forget4me +6, liberius +6, LaviRoux +6, emmanuelman +7, budgieboi +6, notfunnyguy +4, firestoneishot +6, BigOOFF +2, blarg321 +6, coolswave16 +6, Whitu Piggu +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 September 2019, 01:33 by:
Krugger Score
Base +7, Leonidas23 +7, redbone +15, Imsolo +6, emmanuelman +7, FireSempaii +7, BigOOFF +2, coolswave16 +6, Whitu Piggu +7, okmonger +4, Comrade Claus +8, viniccius36 +4, Reach +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 11 September 2019, 02:27 by:
Apolio Score
Base +4, shckwv +12, derp9001 +6, Vanguard3125 +6, Imsolo +6, Fap might +3, emmanuelman +7, notfunnyguy +4, firestoneishot +6, coolswave16 +6, seezer2 +6, Whitu Piggu +7, okmonger +4, and 3 more...
Posted on 13 September 2019, 07:53 by:
Bookrat15 Score
Base +6, mickl3 +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, Otiropas77 -7, Chojiin -6, notfunnyguy -4, Shemmy +6, byran47 -6, finalf7 -6, The4thSecret +6, VanillaFire +4, thenewdrax -7, Gentleman Chimera -8, and 13 more...
Posted on 13 September 2019, 07:59 by:
ultimafia Score
Base +6, Otiropas77 +7, notfunnyguy +4, coolswave16 +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, seezer2 +6, budgieboi +6, DarioEmpio -7
Base +5, coolswave16 +6, shaaaababa +4, AloofSloth +10, seezer2 +6, Bisharp96 +6, DarioEmpio -7
Posted on 15 September 2019, 06:33 by:
pureyang Score
Base +23, coolswave16 +6, seezer2 +6, Bisharp96 +6, Comrade Claus +8, Dr Benway +3, cld_bak +6, biogolf +6, DarioEmpio -7, TheFierceDeity +6
Posted on 19 September 2019, 05:42 by:
Oni Zero Score
Base +6, Lawcol1 +6, Dragzos +6, coolswave16 +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, seezer2 +6, budgieboi +6, suratkabar +7, okmonger +4, Bisharp96 +6, Ayazaki667 +6, viniccius36 +4, Reach +6, and 3 more...
Base +5, seezer2 +6, suratkabar +7, OoferGang +5, Eifan +6, DarioEmpio -7, Elevens +15
Posted on 01 November 2019, 07:35 by:
blulaz Score
Base +7, seezer2 +6, suratkabar +7, morphdwarf +6, OoferGang +5, Reach +6, SomeRed +6, fireorb21 +7, DarioEmpio -7
Base +6, fireorb21 +7, Hugh Jarse +6, Eifan +6, DarioEmpio -7, coolswave16 +6
Posted on 27 April 2022, 06:10 by:
BZo1480 Score
Base +6, OogaChaka +6, DarioEmpio -7, nosoul0 +6
Posted on 28 October 2022, 05:17 by:
pureyang Score
Base +23, DarioEmpio +7, fattius_pattius +6, Leonidas23 +10, PhobosMP4 +6