but seeing oppa made me think of this, idk, melodrama story on the internet that seemingly everyone on the internet in the late 90's or in the 2000's read. It was a more.."old-fashioned" or even basic looking site/webpage compared to modern ones, the webpage played "To Zanarkand" from FFX to really set the tragic tone. And the story was apparently set in South Korea involving childhood love, Korean mafia, and maybe the mafia killing the main love interest. Don't remember the details too much besides the music, it's been years.
tl;dr I think the female protag called the guy she was in love with "oppa" ..and idek if that was actually weird or I'm remembering that wrong because I barely know a word of Korean
I think I also realized years later that I had basically experienced a Korean drama in written form.
Base +7
Posted on 18 September 2019, 23:32 by: Dragendorff
Score +51
She's smiling, but man, those eyes in the first panel tell me something completely different...
Base +9, hentiez +11, symoina +8, Unst99 +12, Lady-Akane +5, Dracul IV +6