Well... this went from "Boom" to "Fuck this shit im IN" This artist/author got the extremely complex HxH situations and just put them in a jar and let them procreate.
Now the most daungerous begin in the world is a afrodisiac cloth eating slime? Very HxH.
Anyway, Pitou "sexual taming" was succesful: what female could not fall under that mjolnir like penis?
Await for the enviromental sex disaster next time.
I can hear the exaggerated 80s Anime narrator voice. And likewise the voices abridges the manga scenes the same way narration abridged old animes to save money.
Base +15, Etnaguzman +6, atomicpuppy +43
Posted on 28 September 2019, 06:22 by: gokudomatic
Score +78
This was a doujinshical history of disaster. Next time on Hunter Lame Hunter, the sailors of the moon will arrive with their Evas. But the slime's plot gas will still reach them. Will Akio Ohtori smell the orgy and will he arrive in time to get everyone laid?
Base +7, Etnaguzman -6, ZoopZip +6, atomicpuppy +43, sunshineandlolipops +28