Base +6, stupid army +8, HorridGuest +16, roarr23 +7, Chinro -6, Lostalgia -9, Captian Katsura -7, kaerFlanA -6, BobSagetkitty +6, RipSnorting -6, RuRo-dono -6, Johnny Silverhand -23, Almost Sane +6, and 15 more...
Base +6, WarGPic +5, stupid army +8, roarr23 +7, jack954 +7, Lostalgia +9, Chinro +6, Fofotron +6, RipSnorting +6, IncognitoMaud +6, RedGryphon0 +6, RuRo-dono +6, kingra3 +7, and 16 more...
Posted on 10 October 2019, 20:51 by:
Noni Score
Base +39, jack954 +7, Lostalgia +9, qwerty5715 +6, Fofotron +6, IncognitoMaud +6, RedGryphon0 +6, Imaret +4, atarau +6, observer1980 +21, Porokichin66 +9, Moridin69 +11, Dooderz -8, and 4 more...
Base +5, legoman1 -6, shsrzrzx -6, mnbvcxz11 +6, byran47 +6, Lostalgia +9, rext11 -6, Evyy +12, Chinro -6, Gentleman Chimera -8, mustbedreaming -10, DanglyBits +6, rjimenez666 -6, and 30 more...
Base +6, Lostalgia +9, rext11 +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, Fofotron +6, BobSagetkitty +6, RedGryphon0 +6, RuRo-dono +6, Imaret +4, Zoreni +7, prbanime +10, Chornlajorn +6, ExakaTeddy +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 11 October 2019, 02:52 by:
Megaton Score
Base +42, Lostalgia +9, Captian Katsura +7, IncognitoMaud +6, Takepyon +6, Imaret +4, observer1980 +21, ShadowJ +6, The Naughty Shrink +6, fervoredweb +6, viniccius36 +4, Dinosars +7, Sylphvine +6
Posted on 11 October 2019, 03:38 by:
piyin Score
Base +27, Mapleteal +6, ghost_of_sanakan +7, Lostalgia +9, Fofotron +6, BobSagetkitty +6, Imaret +4, akunoko -25, observer1980 +21, Dooderz -8, viniccius36 +4, ShamelessShy +12, Sylphvine +6
Posted on 12 October 2019, 15:26 by:
Akamashi Score
Base +6, prbanime -10, theunseenone +6, akunoko -25, DarkCocoon +6, Dooderz -8, Ishimaru94 -6, fuckmewitharake +7
Posted on 16 October 2019, 11:55 by:
CJO3692 Score
Base +6
Base +6, theunseenone +6, DarkCocoon -6, Ishimaru94 -6, MakeMe1234 +6, fuckmewitharake +7
Posted on 26 March 2020, 09:27 by:
Jizz23 Score
Base +6, Dr.Pavel -6, kaizo2 +6, XNumbers +7, RydS0 +6, Dinosars +7, WallBang +6, Sylphvine +6, SilentSlime +6, painly -6, Hyoros -16
Base +2, tohsakarin +7, Dooderz +8, kaizo2 +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, 翎煌 滅 +4, Fshate -6, WallBang +6, sonnytag123 +14, Zantos -7, ChaseRaph69 +5, essmzz +1