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Harsh Sentences

Posted:2019-10-12 11:13
File Size:5.20 MiB
Length:6 pages
Favorited:153 times
Average: 4.13

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 images

Posted on 12 October 2019, 11:13 by:   Osef00    PM
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Picture 1 :

This lady has inadvertently dealt a fatal blow to a man who likely was trying to rape her. Struggling with fear and not really trusting her country's justice in this maledom society, she preferred to leave the body rather than to warn the police. She was found a few days later because of fingerprint analysis.

Even if the fatal nature of her blow was unintentional and that she was primarly assaulted, the misogynist judge didn't retain the self defense as extenuating circumstances, arguing that her decision to abandon the body disqualifie her from all honesty. In a state of shock and horrified by what it means for her potential sentence, she listen him charging her on contrary with aggravating circumstance for abandoning the body ! The sentence is given soon after, and she's not ready for what she's going to hear : her sentence will be life imprisonment in the HM Detention & Torture Facility, a Category A military prison, considered one of the hardest in the world. But the worst is to come : she'll be used to serve as guinea pigs for the apprentice torturers, after all her human rights have been revoked.

Obviously, her lawyer appealed against this barbaric decision. This absolutely horrible sentence is usually given for the worst criminals, pure sadistic mental patients, and in a state of recidivism. Her past is free from any condemnation, she has a job, is loved by those around her... This decision is the result of a notorious misogynist who proves to have a lot of influence in the legal sphere. Let's hope that his influence will not reach the court of appeal.

Decision of the court of appeal tomorrow. By then, the law provides for a lighter sentence : no "excessive" physical violence, and no removal of the four limbs pending the appeal decision. Also, the guards cannot use her sexually as they wish. She can be displayed naked and lightly whipped time to time, but not fucked nor tortured too harshly until tomorrow's court of appeal hearing.


Picture 2 :

Here we are, the day after the judgment rendered by the mysogynist judge on this newly misogynist country. As you can see on the image above, the measures that have been taken by the new government to reform the justice system are a calamity. The policemen didn't even consider human dignity when they dragged her here, naked and frightened.

As one might expect, upon reading the judgment, there seems to be collusion between the two judges. Indeed, the court of appeal not only validated the first court decision, but also sentenced her to the amputation of her four members !

And that's not all. As a new measure and in order to reduce the burden of the courts of appeal, appeals that do not result in reduced sentence are now considered a waste of time, and lead the lawyers who requested them to also be sentenced. The lawyer (in the background) has just learned it the hard way, although she does not know yet her sentence.

The prisoner will now be totally amputated before being transferred to her new home.


Picture 3 :

The judge though of this quad-amputee sentence to prevent her from commiting suicide, because one prisoner has managed to kill herself recently in the country. A law is in the process of being passed ordering the quad-amputation of all female prisonners who are subject to a heavy prison sentence (ie. superior to 1 year). People think it's a little too much, but senators argue in the media that this measure will also prevent them from committing new crimes after their sentence, and that anyway, I quote, "[their] job is not to protect the country's offenders"... For information, women currently serving a sentence of more than 1 year in prison are 18,670 in the country...

As heavily sentenced female prisoners are in great demand for torture classes in military schools, the judgment stipulates that our heroine will be transferred each week to another school, so that all concerned students of the country can work and train on human flesh. As it's become the norm in real interrogations and in order to put themself in the closest conditions to reality, a treatment will be given to her to exacerbate her sensitivity to pain. And because of her value, another treatment will have the effect of reducing the risk of heart attack. It seems that she's stuck...

She'll (theoretically) have the weekends to rest herself a little from the tortures, but she'll have to face "very difficult bondage positions" during her weekly transfers to another school, as the judge requested. It will be up to the teachers in the school of provenance to choose what they consider to be a "very difficult bondage position" for her next 48h.


Picture 4 :

Following the promulgation of this law, thousands of female prisonners had the - bad - surprise of waking up with 2 or 4 of theirs members amputated. Some prison directors like the idea that the female prisoners are not told what will happen to them before they drug them for the surgical operation. So that when they wake up, the surprise is total.

This prisonner (below) has been imprisoned a little more than 3 weeks ago for ticket fraud on public transport with the aggravating circumstance of refusal to comply. At least that's what the judge ruled, despite the evidence presented by the defense and the testimony of passers-by who attended the scene... On the contrary, the passengers who testified unanimously claim that the controllers were very hateful and misogynist while the woman cried and apologized for losing the ticket, and that despite the physical violence of the controllers, she showed no resistance at all. It seems that more and more women are suffering the harshness of justice since the Great Reformation.

At the very last moment, just before the vote of the new law (regarding amputation), senators finally agreed to add an amendment leading all prisoners sentenced to between 1 month and 1 year in prison to be amputated both arms. Our prisoner is amputated because of this amendment added in a hurry and not planned at all. The results of the amendment are serious. We are talking about 640 000 female prisoners now impacted by the amputations.

She has been sentenced to 4 months of prison, for what seems to be a abusive judgment ; she cannot appeal. And in addition to that, the aggravating circumstance led her to face 16 sessions of electro torture, one each week, without possibility of remission. To make justice, the 16 sessions are given by the controllers who say in the audience that they felt "insulted by her behavior and deeply affected in their lives". Her five "victims" meet each saturday between 9:30 pm and 11:30 pm for their two-hour session where they can torture her almost as they wish. It sounds cool for a sadist, but they obviously still have to respect some rules. In particular and among many limitations, they must not exceed a certain total duration of current at the max level. This limit had been established in her case at the equivalent of 5 minutes of what seems to be an absolutely unbearable electric current. From what I've heard, a normally formed heart cannot hold more than 25 seconds in a row at the max current level before stopping. But according to a doctor, even 25 seconds in a row would be enough to cause irreversible damage to her brain, because of the excruciating pain signals that the nerves send back to the brain. So the 5 minutes must be split in several times a few seconds in a row each time.


Picture 5 :

The first 3 sessions were accompanied by a prison guard to familiarize the five "victims" with the different voltages, and to ensure that they are not too sadistic. In general, at max level current, the guard explain that the current applied to her nipples or her clitoris should not last more than two seconds in a row. And to have seen one of these sessions by video recording, even one second is enough to see her contort with all her strength, scream to death and plead with all her might to stop it. After a two-hour session, the prisoners usually convulse even after being brought back to their cell : they are totally destroyed in their soul and are not able to get out of their vegetative state for at least 3 hours. It's to say the brutality of each session.

But what our prisoner doesn't know yet, is that no more surveillance is planned beyond the 3rd session. The "torturers" are asked to remain reasonable (ie. not always at max current, not so often more than 5 seconds in a row...), but they will be left totally on their own without any surveillance for the remaining 13 sessions.


Picture 6 :

The 5 mean controlers found a way to get a taser into the jailhouse, to be able to gain more pleasure, without restriction. Indeed, this taser is not monitored by the control system ! Our poor prisoner is clearly stuck in hell.


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Posted on 12 October 2019, 11:33 by:   kook69    PM
Score +22
Amazing, def want to see more!
Well drawn creative & fun gallery - nice
Very intense!
I like !
Please continue
You have 9/9 from me.
Posted on 12 October 2019, 12:01 by:   Onyxia1986    PM
Score +17
Someone call his most holy Inquisition this world is in need of EXTERMINATUS.
Posted on 12 October 2019, 18:25 by:   MrGitara    PM
Score +35
Pretty good work! Keep it up! It is a bit strange to have to read a story in the comments though, would probably be better to have captions of some sort.
Posted on 12 October 2019, 20:44 by:   IcedMatcha    PM
Score +20
This either needs more text or more pictures, cause it lack both atm. I've read more enjoyable stuff google translated on syosetu, honestly.

The pics look great though, maybe more of that?
Posted on 12 October 2019, 21:35 by:   homsar    PM
Score +25
Quite nice, but now that she's been turned into a little fucknugget she needs to be raped, not just tortured.
Posted on 13 October 2019, 08:07 by:   andersbac    PM
Score +13
Amazing stuff, both art and story! I hope for a continuation, if the prisoner can survive more mistreatment!
Posted on 17 November 2019, 13:10 by:   jingarosm    PM
Score +5
You should put a warning for strong violence on this one
Posted on 20 April 2021, 16:30 by:   Siltlnenz    PM
Score -2

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