Posted on 15 October 2019, 00:16 by:
nkaR Base +18, nkaR +8, bigscuba +3, MyOpinionIsRight +5, Megaton +42, popcorn99 +6, Th3 Sl0th +6, asterix666 +6, Esp007 +9, jplshejeser +24, cbdyourmom +8, liberius +6, TheGoubert +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 15 October 2019, 02:00 by:
piyin Score
Base +27, nkaR +8, Nitramy +6, chexusai +6, throwaway2112 +6, Th3 Sl0th +6, asterix666 +6, deidara10 +7, IncognitoMaud +6, Esp007 +9, Suijiro90 +6, blockend +6, liberius +6, and 9 more...
Base +7, nkaR +8, Paizurikin +11, PurpleSun +6, jplshejeser +24, liberius +6, thathornyguy +6
Posted on 15 October 2019, 02:58 by:
sekirei07 Score
Base +18, Romi the Byzantine +7, Th3 Sl0th +6, Paizurikin +11, Esp007 +9, PurpleSun +6, blueaoibloo +6, liberius +6, Dooderz +8, Nuclearmy +13, Nlimited -12, guest489 +6
Last edited on 15 October 2019, 07:03.
Base +6, nkaR +8, Bubblejum +6, tgsos +8, PurpleSun +6, resdamalos +5, blueaoibloo -6, liberius +6, fappyqaz +6, thathornyguy +6, SapphireJack +7, Jack Knife +6, elementalanubis +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, Bubblejum +6, nkaR +8, Beyond Imagination +6, chexusai +6, AncientPhoenix +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, ken1009 +7, yankeeboy27 +6, Megaton +42, LaviRoux +6, Suijiro90 +6, jplshejeser +24, and 33 more...
Base +9, Bubblejum +6, nkaR +8, knucklesluigi +7, AncientPhoenix +7, Paizurikin +11, Megaton +42, OJC +6, Suijiro90 +6, jplshejeser +24, Captian Katsura +7, anonymousMember +6, thathornyguy +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 15 October 2019, 04:41 by:
dkman5000 Score
Base +6, Bubblejum +6, BORDZ +6, nkaR +8, shckwv +12, jplshejeser +24, uguu mad? +9, thathornyguy +6, guest489 +6
Posted on 15 October 2019, 05:07 by:
harghl Score
Base +11, nkaR +8, qrsWtuv +9, Paizurikin +11, maxone23 +7, Esp007 +9, kuroshinzo -14, Wiseman2 +7, jplshejeser +24, SellerofWine +5, falatajion +7, errata +7, fappyqaz +6, and 21 more...
Base +6, nkaR +8, AncientPhoenix +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, BloodyHero +6, sable1 +23, tgsos +8, jplshejeser +24, Elvindor +7, thathornyguy +6, kamisking +6, starburst98 +6, Saiou Takuma +9, and 6 more...
Posted on 15 October 2019, 07:22 by:
draconias Score
Base +7, nkaR +8, Paizurikin +11, PurpleSun +6, Dooderz +8, thathornyguy +6, DesRed +6
Base +6, Carfel +6, nkaR +8, maxone23 +7, Paizurikin +11, sauerkraut -22, Esp007 +9, tgsos +8, kuroshinzo -14, jplshejeser +24, thathornyguy +6, kenabrxg +18, blockend +6, and 7 more...
Base +13, Carfel +6, nkaR +8, Paizurikin +11, tgsos +8, thathornyguy +6, Azhagal +14, hentaifreak93 +4, starburst98 +6, Torosaku +6, TheRokyando +7
Posted on 15 October 2019, 12:27 by:
KaInEvIL Score
Base +7, nkaR +8, BarriaKarl +5, kenabrxg +18, thathornyguy +6
Posted on 15 October 2019, 15:57 by:
dgjdgjdgj Score
Base +7, 1ManArmy +6, maxone23 +7, Paizurikin +11, nkaR +8, Naruto0116 +6, jplshejeser +24, thathornyguy +6, fappyqaz +6, kamisking +6, starburst98 +6, Saiou Takuma +9, Rabaa +7, and 3 more...
Base +7, nkaR +8, sgourd +6, Naruto0116 +6, tgsos +8, ZeroTimeHero -6, Ingryo -6, liberius +6, errata +7, fappyqaz +6, qrsWtuv +9, thathornyguy +6, tom.xuoverlord +6, and 5 more...
Last edited on 15 October 2019, 22:30.
Base +6, VanillaFire -4, ramonnl -8, Esp007 +9, blockend +6, akunoko -28, Cappy123 -6, wefuwr -5, Dooderz -8, liberius +6, TheRokyando -6, Longrua -6, SuicideKingX -7, and 2 more...
Posted on 15 October 2019, 19:32 by:
Naliys Score
Base +7, nkaR +8, Esp007 +9, jplshejeser +24, BarriaKarl +5, nn2142 -6, Ze0nite -6, fappyqaz +6, kenabrxg +18, Seratonine +6, guest489 +6
Base +6, nkaR +8, Esp007 +9, tgsos +8, PurpleSun +6, jplshejeser +24, SuicideKingX +6, thathornyguy +6, fappyqaz +6, blockend +6, Rabaa +7, falatajion +7
Posted on 24 October 2019, 06:16 by:
PYLI123 Score
Base +7, nkaR +8, thathornyguy +6, Esp007 +9, Dooderz +8
Base +7, Ze0nite +6, Esp007 +9, AncientPhoenix +7, thathornyguy +6, Tenshi_Okihana +6, Seratonine +6, Zeratul656 +7
Base +7, Crimson_King -8, nkaR +10, Dooderz +8, thathornyguy +6
Posted on 10 June 2020, 17:39 by:
joshgrrr Score
Base +6, Tenshi_Okihana +6