Base +7, jenovasilver -6, guylikesex +8, Lokinot -7, animekid9000 +6, dudex +6, potato dude +6, CrossfusionX -6, Imsolo -6, waifunuwa +5, DropDead2099 -5
Base +17, EJUNK -6, MyOpinionIsRight +5, Lokinot +7, Sukihi -16, Venus Perversa -3, VJEmmie -5, D50 -8, waifunuwa -5, BiohunterX -6, NuminousPrimp -5, ZDragonX -7, dum-dum -6, and 4 more...
Base +6, kingwolf +20, Daxarian +6, EJUNK +6, Zego21 +7, Myzer +10, jorgeben +6, afg gfa +8, fatjoe400 +6, Venus Perversa +3, VJEmmie +5, ZDragonX +7, SenhorPexe +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 25 October 2019, 11:02 by:
Bork Score
Base +7, EJUNK +6, Zego21 +7, Myzer +10, MyOpinionIsRight +5, afg gfa +8, VJEmmie +5, SenhorPexe +6, ghostvortex100 +5, Dragzos +6
Base +6, Lokinot +7, Venus Perversa -3, waifunuwa +5, Dragzos +6
Posted on 03 March 2020, 00:40 by:
zerombr Score
Base +7, Chief Slapaho +9, ghostvortex100 +5, Dragzos +6
Base +8, HuffmanEightyNine -6