Posted on 14 November 2019, 12:21 by: Akatsukimeow
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So, I was bored and I decided to do something I kinda wanted to do a while ago, I tried out translating manga and doujins! I ain't the best in doing these, but I figured out that many doujins don't have an English translation, and that sucks for the folks that can only read in English.
I might do a few more older ones that don't have an English translation yet. My Japanese isn't bloody brilliant, so there may be some mistakes, but I'll try my best in doing some other ones. Thanks for stopping by anyway.
There are some lines I didn't bother translating, cuz if I did, all of the lines would just go AAAAAAHHHH or aaaaaaaaahhhh. Good luck differentiating them lol
@dokedoke Osakabehime originally is supposed to be a kitsune, but she figured that since there were already so many kitsune in Chladea, she'll just have to have a bat theme since she found them so cute. Literally that's it. So here, she's letting out a little of her kitsune-self.
Osakabehime's design here is taken from the Lady Foxy craft essence where she's shown to have her fox ears and tail out. On that note, Hokusai's using her design from the Painting Summer craft essence from the same event.