Posted on 29 May 2017, 00:47 by:
Liana333 Score
Base +7, UnfortunatelyStupid +5, fakeuser002 -6, Zarzil +7, Bud_1911 +6, kingra3 +5, sunder ran -11, bilbowski77 +8, sovair11 +6, God Revan +8, 151132 +7, Jago Smith +7, Zbyniacz +6, and 64 more...
Posted on 29 May 2017, 09:39 by:
Fanmar Score
Base +7, molten1 +7, Bud_1911 +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, Lastlesbian666 +6, LameArtStuff +5, Kevin H. Yang +6, Reson -6, Eternity +6, ShenanigansGalore +6, herpderphurr +6, rekon2 +6, Kiranta +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 29 May 2017, 13:43 by:
HeKoi Score
Base +7, Bud_1911 +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, DuskAstronaut +8, Dargadon +6, BundleOfRags +6, IonicTHI +7, Razor7557 +7, catthou +6, Kier +8, Karism +8, V972 +3, tv14 -5, and 11 more...
Posted on 15 June 2017, 23:22 by:
ninjdsfo Score
Base +6, ShenanigansGalore +6, One Eyed Mercenary -5, Kiranta -6, Anon_3.141 -4, Tesxy +29, DanKlaxton +6, Kier +8, tv14 -5, kikimaru024 +18, Vauban +8, vifivirus +6, brotherdudejack +5, and 9 more...
Base +7, Kevin H. Yang +6, tru5t +6, zmackay +3, machjohn117 +6, DorkSeer +5, ShenanigansGalore +6, Sanlichor -8, anon5678 +6, BrimstoneZV +6, Megaton +30, somercet +6, DragonToot +6, and 36 more...
Posted on 16 June 2017, 10:07 by:
Salvande Score
Base +5, DuskAstronaut +8, sunder ran +11, tv14 -5, kikimaru024 +18, vifivirus +6, brotherdudejack -5, raptorshru +6, Qwertius +3, Lordofclits +9
Base +10, ShenanigansGalore +6, Shylight +6, V972 +3, Disastra +6, vifivirus +6, brotherdudejack -5, raptorshru +6, Qwertius +3, negaheartzero +5
Base +1, Aldanders +6, negaheartzero -5, Fruble +4
Base +7, Disastra +6, raptorshru +6, SilverMind_11th +6, Aldanders +6
Base +6, Kokachin +4, Blorg +11, FutanariOverAnything +9, brotherdudejack +5, Meninas McAllon +6, propanoate +4
Base +6, MonsterButler -6, Gale! +6, Anon_3.141 +4, Hilarity +6, espyla -6, macanudo8 -6, plaquebringer +6, Razor7557 -7, kenabrxg +15, zohain +6, nix157 -8, android 18 -6, and 8 more...
Base +5, tv14 +5, brotherdudejack -5
Base +7, Anon_3.141 -4, orezz +6, IonicTHI +7, Kier +8, tv14 -5, vifivirus +6, brotherdudejack +5, TheDudeIV +6, B.J.izzle -6, Knipol -6
Posted on 25 August 2017, 01:43 by:
Moats Score
Last edited on 13 January 2018, 19:17.
Base +6, Gale! -6, Anon_3.141 -4, vincenth93 -7, NotDiegoBrando -5, Feii -6, macanudo8 +6, plaquebringer -6, kenabrxg -15, Kier -8, Neterros -6, Blorg -11, zohain -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 02 May 2018, 00:04 by:
wcchaa Score
Base +5
Posted on 25 August 2018, 21:46 by:
Mlekowit Score
Base +3, brotherdudejack -5, Meninas McAllon +6, SilverMind_11th +6, butt1234123412341234 +6
Base +6, brotherdudejack +5, Meninas McAllon +6, negaheartzero +5, DuskAstronaut +9
Posted on 08 November 2018, 02:57 by:
Schmeep Score
Base +6, Joe Bozo -6, AvazTT -4, dekamaster2 -7, GermanPlasma -23, Burgermeister -6, kbutler -8, Death Row +6, temporaryary -6, Kakuski +6, LunaCat -6, propanoate -4
Posted on 20 May 2019, 23:06 by:
r2kmoon2 Score
Base +6, Felsic +6, negaheartzero -5, LunaCat +6
Base +6, negaheartzero +5
Base +6, negaheartzero +5, temporaryary -6
Base +6, iubi +6, Friwi +7, Aldanders +6, negaheartzero -5, temporaryary +6, Leytin +6, Arget -12, Fruble +4, comparti +5, Black pelican -6, LunaCat +6, propanoate +4, and 2 more...
Base +6, temporaryary -6, Kakuski +6, Fruble -4, comparti -5, Black pelican +6, propanoate -4, Northernlite +5, Keksimus1234 +12
Base +6, temporaryary +6, comparti +5, Black pelican -6, propanoate +4
Posted on 23 December 2019, 09:50 by:
Kceram Score
Base +7, Lagnia +5, Lordofclits +9, temporaryary -6, Leytin +6, Arget +12, propanoate +4