Posted on 17 December 2019, 12:25 by:
Noni Score
Base +40, Lostalgia +9, incogna777 +6, KILLAVOLT8 -6, TheBrojangles +6
Base +6, dankestdungeon +16, remembereverything +9, Scroubignon2 +3, Scroubignon +7, MarvN +9, Jason Blum +5, DankMemes42069 +6, Regnells +6, Ragna25 -5, Und3adgam3r +7, s14y3d +7, Mr.Awesomeness +6, and 28 more...
Posted on 17 December 2019, 19:20 by:
imaliar Score
Base +6, nodire +6, BobDringus +6, DarkTemplarXIII +6, AncientPhoenix +7, KILLAVOLT8 -6, Ashvinoth +7, LunaCat +6, sable1 +23, hm4ster +6, hereforpandaonly +6
Base +23, nodire +6, flash11 +10, BobDringus +6, Ripsmash +6, Krazylec +6, KILLAVOLT8 -6, timbus +12, PinguPrin +7, sgc_geh +9, LordBarn -7, A Sad Dance +7
Base +23, bloodydeath666 +7, BobDringus +6, Krazylec -6, KILLAVOLT8 -6, Ralethh -6, BugKnot +8, Chilean_Guy +6, sable1 -23, LordBarn +7
Base +5, Boomer30569 -6, KILLAVOLT8 -6, LordBarn +7
Posted on 18 December 2019, 12:18 by:
Boshi Score
Base +6, HunterBlackLuna +6, Vanitas1310 +8, captain_donk +6, sgc_geh -9, KILLAVOLT8 -6, MrPonty +6, Juggernaut Santa -29, angryprimaate +6, Supasang +6, jere512 -6, Saladofstones -6, LordBarn -7, and 2 more...
Base +3, LunaCat +6, Avp369 +6