Posted on 21 November 2019, 15:23 by:
vjm3 Score
Base +7, somerandomdude33 +6, Dawnell_do +1, Dommol +7, sicuus +6, Ianagiaiz3 +6, Cain Dreemurr +6, Mocka +19, fectylf-panda +5, leftrightup +6
Base +6, johnsacarsm +6, Dommol +7, fappyqaz +6, Doutey +10, Qwertius +10, leftrightup +6, mbmj +5
Posted on 09 June 2020, 21:15 by:
Cosack Score
Base +6, justlookingforporn -6, Ars Gratia Artis +4, MetaSnake -6, Purplecheese -7, idontfuckingcare -6, Alec Bluu -6, person107 -6, sadikus +29, KISLEEY -8, haha23 -6, MedNed -6, LordLyciaX -8, and 10 more...
Base +6, HoldoverName +7, Clamstatic -6, Matthew W. +6, Doutey +9, Fuyons -7, TheMasterOfYou +7, defcon5 +6, Oddball +7, Auzrinian +6, Neonmane -7, xXGottSteinXx -6, Rey Zatiro +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 25 October 2020, 18:11 by:
Dafez2 Score
Base +12, Clamstatic -6, Auzrinian +6, Rey Zatiro +6
Base +8, Clamstatic -6, kingra3 -7, DollButton -6
Base +12, kingra3 +7, Powerly_Powa +9, Dustubuni +6, Oddball -7, Rey Zatiro -6
Base +6, Dustubuni -6, MetaSnake +6, TheMasterOfYou +7, lion_squid +6, Oddball +7, lenzen +8, Qwertius +11, leftrightup +6, Auzrinian +6, NoString +5, Rey Zatiro +6
Base +19, Holovox +6, sadikus +32, TheMasterOfYou +7, MetaSnake +6, Oddball +7, magarey +7, Qwertius +11, leftrightup +6, Auzrinian +6, NoString +5, moximoore +15, Towelee +6