Tries to make this big epic fight scene but we all know how this is gonna end.
This time, it's not just his mother but also his aunt that takes Jason's side. Might end with blue boy getting stabbed by one or both of them too and end this whole thing. No "good" ending in sight. At best, this will probably have a bittersweet ending, where both of the ladies get pregnant with Jason's kid or can't forget him and run off or something.
Wow The fight had me laughing big time. and Jason actually having a little bit of respect for Jude? That surprised me big time. But after destroying Jason's gang single handed I must say that does demand respect. However, I am honestly not liking how this one will or could end.
If Jude does lose both the fight and the girls then it will be forever due to the fact that he was possibly weakened prior to the fight.
If Jude does win, I am willing to bet that both his aunt, and his mom will try to stop him just like the later did last time which would be really stupid on their part.
Then there is the last and most unlikely ending to happen which is Jude wins, the mom and aunt don't try to say Jason, and the finishing blow is done. However even if he does claim both of them for his own due to him being 'smaller' than Jason they might just end up cheating on him again with some other big dick douche due to him not being able to sate them.
Hell if this happens I could even see the aunt telling him "had you choose me from the start and left my sister alone you could have been happy with me but you choose her instead and Jason got to me.
All in all as mentioned before there is no happy ending for Jude even if he does manage to beat Jason.