I think it's implied there are other works in this series based on the author's comments in the discussion, but I can't seem to find any on the pixiv page. The author seems to say there's two stories and a sequel, though work seems to have stopped.
I don't suppose anyone knows where they are? Or is this all of it together?
@Absolute_Jushin I've found the story years ago in some forum. At this time, there only exists a chinese version and a more detailed picture which is included as the last page in this gallery. Don't know if there is more.
I am surprised someone actually translated this and very thankful to them as well. As far as continuations go I could only find this pic https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/46527946
For those who prefer the read the google.doc instead of screenshots of the same, here is the link to copy paste: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rsaX9W-t3C0HocQK6peENZubM6lOKZKTm3WB2WJ3-GE/mobilebasic?pli=1