Base +3, Kemono123 -6, RamiEiEi -6, KuroDraco -6, SleepyRererered +5, Vincent94 +7, Shouta Hamasaki -6, typoking7 -7, equinoxis -6, 奔塵君 +6, hphpplus +2, mr.windwolf +3, asd1119564624 +6, and 5 more...
Base +6, Shouta Hamasaki +6, asd1119564624 -6, TheCrimsonShotaLover -15, SleepyRererered -5, hphpplus -2, Vincent94 -7, _TEARCED -6, Koorineroki -6, BEKF8S -4, diorbooth +6, ZhetIlluma +7, zenith45 +8, and 6 more...
Posted on 29 January 2020, 04:34 by:
apgiojpd Score
Base +6, 奔塵君 +6, TheCrimsonShotaLover +15, nobody12138 +6, Vincent94 +7, asd1119564624 +6, ZhetIlluma -7, zenith45 -8, hyqotempo +1, Luggs +14
Base +3, 奔塵君 +6, TheCrimsonShotaLover +15, SleepyRererered +5, hphpplus +2, Vincent94 +7, asd1119564624 +6, Koorineroki +6, diorbooth -6, zenith45 -8, hyqotempo +1, Doae20 -2
Base +2, x1298154307 +6, 7ef68g +4, hanzo子洛 +1, yuyechangliu +1, RunningQ +5, ganlan2333 +5, whanljx +1
Posted on 29 January 2020, 23:42 by:
Monkey44 Score
Base +7, shote1369 +12, hyqotempo +1