Looks cute, let’s wait. https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHOA42817 May 2020 still no stock
I tried to find pixiv sample from mugi, the old pixiv link is dead. The artist talk about Oreki so this got to be him. Thinking it is weird for a yaoi artist to not draw Oreki x Fukube I think it is possible that it is different artist with same name. other work of the circle is http://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHOI72829 by different artist in same group, にくしき/tag/artist:nikushiki but I found another pixiv account https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/374496 with name he never use before BUT the content match with the other yaoi doujinshis but there is no Hyouka. Twitter link the pixiv provide lead me to https://twitter.com/kazus1k1/status/1064464672835784704 . Okay it is same artist.