Well done hitokiri38 and this rom is from winter 2014. The missing cover: http://dl.getchu.com/data/item_img/432/43203/43203top.jpg
The oldest gap is now closed and we can move on to C90 and further but there is still a rom named 結心 that eludes us. A bonus one from C80 based on Sekirei but it is rare. Some info: http://choudukimaryou.x.fc2.com/web/mariposa/2011-c80-musubi-s.html https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/186030469
"steady!" has already posted without the R-15 bonus pictures but this site is selling it with those added in: http://gyutto.com/i/item211465?select_uaflag=1: steady!
Edit: summon!サタンちゃん is a new set, got it. The C94 version was just a few photos on photographic paper. The actual photoshoot may be older as it is shown in the C94 gallery on her site.
@resident88 サタンちゃんブロマイドセット is not a bonus ROM, it's a collection of 5 photos printed on photo paper. All her bromide sets are photos. And bromide is actually a photo of smb famous printed on bromide paper (well, at first it was printed only on bromide paper, nowadays it can be printed on something else, but still is called a bromide).