@Lars_Hendrick Nowadays, yeah it's pretty bad. 20 years ago though? shit was dope to a teen. I still got that DVD. And the only reason I started buying DVDs was the ol PS2. Good times.
Man, I'm glad that 90s anime art style died.
Base +8, Jackrakan97 -6, jimmy118 +15, Azraelgt -18, flclboy123 -6
@dokedoke agreed, the first OVA was decent, but the second one was DOPE. Even today that story of the fallen Terry that hits rock bottom to rise again more powerful than ever is really awesome and inspiring. The movie though... I guess many people didn't like it, since it hinted the comeback of Geese in a future sequel, but that never happened. The movie was probably a flop, it feels more like a filler episode than a real story.