...What you say? There's spellings errors littered all over it? No, it can't be!
*Cough* ...please do comment if you find anything wrong :S There's a bunch of details or nuances lost to me since I've never really played a DQ game, and there was barely any infon on DQX in the wild (which isn't surprising since the the mmo-like game never came out properly outside japan).
Editor note: Yes, this translation is larger than the source, but I saved it at higher quality because I've tried to clean and filter it out a little, as well as darkening the contrast.
Congrats on finishing this one! As always, there are no errors in the sex dialogues - shows us what what your specialism is. But this one is a bit a-typical from the usual stuff you translate, isn't it? Editing looks great, and it reads pretty well I must say. So thanks!
"*Cough* ...please do comment if you find anything wrong :S"
Well, since you asked... Page 05 (006.jpg) - in the last bubble should be AN image club. Page 07 (008.jpg) - In the 5th panel should be either "I'm building a shop" or "I'll build a shop". Page 14 (015.jpg) - "nights" in the 1st panel is plural, so it should be "How DO your nights go?" Page 20 (021.jpg) - in the last panel you should put an apostrophe in "wont". Page 21 (022.jpg) - in the 2nd panel should be "what IS everyone doing". Page 23 (024.jpg) - again, no apostrophe in "wont" in the 1st bubble. Page 25 (026.jpg) - the last sentence in the 1st bubble should be either "are there no easy ways to earn money?" or "is there no easy way to earn money?" If you'll go for the plural version, then you should adjust the 2nd bubble, so "there ARE... none..."
Those are the errors I noticed while reading the story. There are also a few lines which I'd reword, because they sound kinda bad in my opinion, but that's just my opinion.