Posted on 22 February 2018, 20:55 by:
Shekkey Score
Base +6, Stormblaze69 +5, DKSiral -6, mdr33flame +6, sacheu +4, Bookrat15 +5, Deadringer02 -6, sirwanker +6, MyOpinionIsRight +4, Dr.Dank +6, bentonfalls +6, NevskyDrift +19
Base +4, DKSiral +6, bentonfalls +6
Base +7, Gunnal +7, DKSiral +6, edward1997 +6, sirwanker +6, MyOpinionIsRight +4, Kanuro5 +7
Posted on 10 January 2019, 01:53 by:
yemaozi Score
Base +16, z7572143z +6, bentonfalls -6
Base +6, BL_TS +4, hoigoigoi +21, DKSiral +6, sirwanker +6, edward1997 +6, MyOpinionIsRight +4, Kanuro5 +7, sacheu +5, Dr.Dank +6, DahSpanker +6, PinguPrin +7, Leo Showtopper +9, and 1 more...
Base +5, edward1997 -6, DKSiral -6, Caesar Czarson +6, Undeadcynic97 +9, Gunnal +7, MyOpinionIsRight +4, Vincent94 +7, bentonfalls +6, Bookrat15 +6, sacheu +5, Gunknight4 +7, kemono69 +10, and 4 more...
Base +7, DKSiral -6, kooko +6, Gunnal +7, Serevuin +8, Kanuro5 +7
Base +3, Bookrat15 -6, sacheu +5, thatguy26 -6
Posted on 13 July 2019, 11:24 by:
dman69 Score
Base +7, Bookrat15 +6, sacheu -5, life with fur -19, DahSpanker +6, Vincent94 +7, Tengerimal +5, nopenosorry +6, bass915 +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, kemono69 +10, Gunnal +7
Posted on 11 November 2019, 19:05 by:
Asurkka Score
Base +7, patmetheny +6, Gunnal +7
Posted on 20 October 2023, 01:08 by:
pureyang Score
Base +23