Fair number of typos and such. Here's a quick rundown of what I saw. Pg. 7: "You're on going" >>> "You're only going" Pg. 9: "Wait there, huh..." >>> "Wait here, huh..." "Looking we chipper, aren't we?" >>> "Looking chipper, aren't we?" Pg. 10: "You had a sort of relationship?" >>> "You had that sort of relationship?" Pg. 11: "Abandoned is that made you" >>> "Abandoned is what made you" Pg. 14: "I perfer" >>> "I prefer" Pg. 19: "I thought that was I should do" >>> "I thought that was what I should do" Pg. 22: "Not just you desire" >>> "Not just your desire" Pg. 28: [Nazrin's spiel] >>> "Until the end of the world, I'll make sure to never speak words of apology to you ever again."