Posted on 24 June 2020, 04:20 by:
乐观的胆小鬼 Score
Base +2, karacupa -7, Francisco_Franco -5, Recyclex -7, kinglann -6, AceCod +6, Animist -6, SenpaiNM7 -6, shiertong +1, BlueSmoke -7, a5203468 +6, TheGrayKnight -6, oikumene -6, and 1 more...
Base +4, justsomeusername -9, Aelth -7
Posted on 24 June 2020, 04:44 by:
尘璃丶 Score
Base +5, Recyclex -7, SenpaiNM7 -6, Aelth -7
Base +7, Vkl644 +6, P41ZUR1好き +1, deadeyemax +6, karacupa +7, hashata +6, Random-NPC +7, sgourd +6, kaminomi10 +12, yutshu +6, shsrzrzx -6, Jamesbryans +8, f0f +3, and 120 more...
Base +6, C411 +15, Salesmany +7, aurst +7, GeniusDuck +6, kaminomi10 +12, Aelth +6, Imsolo +6, EvilSanta +6, Marz +6, Rabbitman91 +9, pepe pompin +6, lionsroar89 +7, and 70 more...
Base +4, blueperfection +7, GeniusDuck +6, Imsolo +6, Marz +6, ChaseRaph69 +3, Th3 Sl0th +6, Rabbitman91 +9, lionsroar89 -7, theCircle57 +16, Vile Mk 2 -11, ZhangMaster +7, nodire -6, and 74 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 08:14 by:
XNumbers Score
Base +7, sgc_geh -9, blueperfection -7, kaminomi10 -12, Bebek_War +7, Imsolo -6, TheSlinja +6, EvilSanta -6, Marz -6, Recyclex -7, theCircle57 -16, nodire +6, Draw99Gray -18, and 13 more...
Base +10, kaminomi10 +12, Aelth -6, Recyclex +7, theMadHatter +17, pootis1234 -7, buttered_toast -6, Wubsvik +6, Bulopu -16, Hamjameter +6
Posted on 24 June 2020, 09:02 by:
spek888 Score
Base +6, sgc_geh -9, blueperfection -7, kaminomi10 -12, Imsolo -6, TheSlinja +6, EvilSanta -6, Marz -6, Recyclex -7, aurst -7, theCircle57 -16, theMadHatter +17, KuroS_ -8, and 12 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 09:44 by:
lolihat Score
Base +7, blueperfection +7, GeniusDuck +6, kaminomi10 +12, Imsolo +6, Marz +6, ChaseRaph69 +3, Th3 Sl0th +6, Rabbitman91 +9, Recyclex +7, theCircle57 +16, coes159 +7, hairdo +7, and 76 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 10:54 by:
e-diver Score
Base +10, kaminomi10 +12, Marz +6, Recyclex +7, Vile Mk 2 +11, coes159 +7, theMadHatter -17, cynamonbunz +34, sgc_geh +9, observer1980 +21, kagezoro +6, pepe pompin +6, buttered_toast -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 11:20 by:
baguete Score
Base +6, theCircle57 +16, kaerFlanA +6, coes159 +7, theMadHatter -17, KuroS_ +8, sitora +6, himalllloi -6, adamnemo42 +6, Gabaw +6, buttered_toast -6, Acecobe +7, kwajalien +13, and 6 more...
Base +7, nodire +6, Draw99Gray -18, hairdo -7, KuroS_ -8, Great Me +9, sgc_geh -9, kagezoro -6, lulzicon +6, Mapleteal -6, Toxic_Tripod0 -6, donhardcore -7, adamnemo42 -6, and 16 more...
Last edited on 24 June 2020, 18:19.
Base +5, Draw99Gray +18, coes159 +7, KuroS_ +8, sgc_geh +9, timbus +12, faust05 +6, Shimeru +6, Pffffffft +6, DrCogsy +6, Cinj -6, geemer -6, anonymousMember +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 17:31 by:
Z.G. Score
Base +21, hairdo +7, theMadHatter +17, KuroS_ +8, observer1980 +21, kagezoro +6, buttered_toast +6, Shimeru +6, AMunTheGreekGod +4, anonymousMember +6, DevilofManga +7, Balletrixx +6
Posted on 24 June 2020, 17:33 by:
zirgex Score
Base +6, Draw99Gray -18, Von Evilstein -6, the lummox +10, hairdo -7, Astargo -6, KuroS_ -8, sgc_geh -9, EvilSanta -6, lulzicon +6, Almasy -6, Toxic_Tripod0 -6, Bulopu -16, and 10 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 21:37 by:
inerg Score
Base +6, Astargo +6, KuroS_ +8, Gabaw +6, buttered_toast +6, Wubsvik +6, Shimeru +6, Nlimited +12, Cinj +6, Sawgop +6, Edtome +7, RubyRoy +5, dontwannaknow +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 22:29 by:
Ratch Score
Base +8, KuroS_ +8, sgc_geh -9, chinda +9, Almasy -6, ENHfaithful +10, jetpack003 +6, anonymousMember +6, Cooban Peete +6, ManaYagami +7, buttered_toast +6, Shimeru +6, Bulopu -16, and 12 more...
Posted on 24 June 2020, 23:24 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +6, KuroS_ +8, SecretiveGamer +13, Gabaw +6, atheistica +6, Shimeru +6, AMunTheGreekGod +4, Cinj +6, Sawgop +6, DevilofManga +7
Posted on 25 June 2020, 02:15 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, Wubsvik +6, Shimeru +6, Sawgop +6, DevilofManga +7
Base +6, lolxd23 +8, Insanity4362 +7, Chyor +6, himalllloi +6, bigmak +6, adamnemo42 -6, Captn9087 -7, Aelth +6, EvilSanta -6, fatjoe400 -6, Gabaw +6, Gamer579 -6, and 50 more...
Posted on 27 June 2020, 03:27 by:
zirgex Score
Base +6, Gabaw +6, atheistica -6, faust05 -6, sgc_geh -9, Acecobe +7, Bulopu -16, DollButton -6, Imsolo -6, user420z -4, Bogh -5, d3vi1 -6, Pffffffft -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 July 2020, 06:34 by:
xchimera Score
Base +7, buttered_toast +6, sgc_geh +9, Byrdant -2, Pillowgirl +21, PaperCrease -6, Acecobe -7, Bulopu +16, Nlimited -12, Imsolo +6, user420z +4, abc1234512 -6, DrCogsy +6, and 11 more...
Base +11, Animist -6, Byrdant +2, Shimeru +6, PaperCrease +6, superBlast +7, Acecobe -7, Nlimited +12, Imsolo -6, d3vi1 -6, DrCogsy -6, Cinj +6, archmancer8 +5, and 6 more...
Base +6, AMunTheGreekGod +4
Posted on 07 September 2020, 03:54 by:
l337t3r Score
Base +8, AMunTheGreekGod +4, mroddick13 -6
Base +3, user420z -4, d3vi1 -6, SenpaiNM7 -6, MealMate +6, DrCogsy -6, Ka0s +7, newdude_202 +6, Cinj +6, archmancer8 +5, Sawgop +6, Egoose +6, jetpack003 -6, and 6 more...