Commendations to the author. To me, the eyes were a little startling at first, because of how cartoonish and flat they look compared to the smooth shading on the rest of the bodies. I got over it really quickly, but it's worth mentioning since it might be more offputting to some. They look great now that I've adjusted. Yeah, I know that it's more like MLP that way, but it's still a little jarring at first. Like getting in really nice, brand new car and then realizing it has hand cranked windows, or a bench seat. Nothing inherently wrong with it, just a little strange in the context.
I guess that can also be a good thing, though. Like a stylistic choice to differentiate from other people who specialize in 3DCG of ponies. …Boy, when the show started a decade ago I'd not have expected there to be more than one of those, if any. I feel old. I suddenly want to run out and buy some butterscotch candies.
Base +18, Kirillai +6, 20Ilya +33, Kagoraphobia +32, getkites +4