Posted on 13 April 2020, 10:43 by:
Elgo. Base +8, DarkTemplarXIII +6, Temperature Critical +26, zangetsu96 +7, newkeyo +6, Saiori +9, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, LatinHen +4, neokai94 +4, UnlimitedBlades +6
Base +29, Jago Smith +8, toonfandubya +10, sitora +6, BokuNoGf +5, zangetsu96 +7, fag1234 +6, baguete +6, FMoonedge +6, anhunwen +6, kondoriyano +6, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, Bubblejum +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 13 April 2020, 16:52 by:
gexer9 Score
Base +7, Elgo. +5, zangetsu96 +7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, UnlimitedBlades +6
Base +10, Nagru +8, Brego1 +6, zxczxcasdasd +6, sleazeball +1, suratkabar +10, Unreal 434 +6, Teppary +7, goophergoopher +7, UnlimitedBlades +6
Base +7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, Harada Yui +10, LatinHen +4, Meta3 +6, Maxim xaos +6, CiberSamurai +6, kill-day +8, suratkabar +10, goophergoopher +7, Shurikensei +10, UnlimitedBlades +6, FireSempaii +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 14 April 2020, 01:30 by:
Shevanel Score
Base +7, Maxim xaos +6, suratkabar +10, goophergoopher +7, UnlimitedBlades +6
Base +6, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, Maxim xaos +6, suratkabar +10, goophergoopher +7, UnlimitedBlades +6
Posted on 16 April 2020, 08:47 by:
Hawk86 Score
Base +6, Elgo. +5, LatinHen +4, Maxim xaos +6, Unreal 434 +6, goophergoopher +7, UnlimitedBlades +6, Ultimax-Bonk +6