Base +30, fula_flight +6, 爱啪啪的诺伦 +6, PinguPrin +7, cld_bak +6
Base +7, darkwings -7, 爱啪啪的诺伦 -6, pokemon2333 -6, andrewseng +6, 小白小白小 -6, 7wpa -4, 鱼味猫罐头 -6, 1008697457 -6, decterous -7, 6553252127 -6, 791048437f -1, Shana315 -6, and 7 more...
Base +6, 791048437f +1, petrik +2, qq601517 +6, vanilla3s +6, BlackHimari -18, kt1989 -7, mazx91 -7, Sakuya=Orenoyome -12, Retjj -6, lkoofu -9, Morgun1276 -6, Huxleny -6
Posted on 30 April 2020, 17:14 by:
TikoSama Score
Base +6, BlackHimari -18, pauldown321 -4, BSDFRJ -5, awdvhi2 -6, QA7G7 -4, 2942454859q -2, LegendLK -6, display wrong -6, mazx91 -7, xiaochibaixi -6, Dooderz +8, lkoofu -9, and 3 more...