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[Ratcha] The Visit (Ch.6) (ongoing)

Posted:2020-04-26 02:43
File Size:150.5 MiB
Length:42 pages
Favorited:349 times
Average: 4.68

Showing 1 - 40 of 42 images

Posted on 26 April 2020, 02:43
Uploader Comment
Note from the artist:

Hi! Rick and Rina are back! Now in monochrome! I've been doing the comic for more than two years now and I want to experiment a little. I averagely do 25 pages in half a year which is a really small amount.
I want to try and do it without colors. I believe it will help me draw more story and prevent burnouts.

If patreon collects $3k I'll color it :)

Ch.1 /g/1092015/c8f7b42f0c/
Ch.2 /g/1128837/423f4d2d93/
Ch.2.5 /g/1374188/d83d468c8a/
Ch.3 /g/1186888/b4e65bf3e1/
Ch.4 /g/1346265/db6d5b56f3/
Ch.5 /g/1394305/af1026a51f/
Posted on 26 April 2020, 04:40 by:   Pertater    PM
Score -13
I really hope that isn't the author's opinion in the latest page because genetics don't give a fuck about love. If you inbreed, you cause problems.

Posted on 26 April 2020, 05:06 by:   vondelacroix    PM
Score +17
Kinda, the science on the subject shows in todays society the chances of getting a defective baby only goes up by like 3 percent if imbred. Pretty sure it was much higher in the past. Just sayin...
Posted on 26 April 2020, 05:45 by:   Kedolan    PM
Score +104
Sure, it only goes up a little bit... if you do it once. The problem has never been a single case of inbreeding, it's when you KEEP doing it, like with ye olde' royal families and such, that you run into problems. If your family has been inbreeding for multiple generations for instance, then you're really in trouble, but just 1 time (and then back to the "normal") you're not really at much risk.
Posted on 26 April 2020, 05:57 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +106
42 - Wait, what? Where's THIS coming from? Didn't Dad JUST say that he's okay with it? He thinks it's unusual, but not enough that he feels he has to try to stop them from being together. It's not like he's disowning them or anything like that. What's the problem?
Posted on 26 April 2020, 11:42 by:   vondelacroix    PM
Score +31
sure, sure, I said in today's society, I'm not advocating for everyone to fuck their sister, but a little incest here or there isn't going to murder the gene pool. I'm sure there was a huge problem with it way back then, so much so that the stigma is still there, its not without merit.
Posted on 26 April 2020, 12:59 by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score -57
Did Ratcha seriously just try to put fucking your sister on the same moral level as homosexuality? I... don't think that one's gonna fly.
Posted on 26 April 2020, 15:38 by:   qwertz789    PM
Score +37
@treblig1995 @Lord Dashwood What about STDs and HIV in gays? What about suicides? If you really want to compare the two and say LGBT comes out on top in health department, you're laughably wrong.
Just because you got your rights confirmed earlier, doesn't mean you can bash related couples. What is this, gay privilege?
Posted on 26 April 2020, 17:39 by:   funkwolf    PM
Score +59
Embarrassingly out-of-date whataboutisms aside, people who like incest have been trying to suggest that incest is the same as homosexuality for ages. It hasn't worked then and it likely won't now. Do I think it's right to look down on two consenting adults? No. But trying to compare incest to homosexuality isn't going to change anybody's minds.
Posted on 27 April 2020, 05:55 by:   DrAlpaca    PM
Score +43
Can you not?
I came here to masturbate, not to read spergs going at each other over things that dont really belong here.
Posted on 29 April 2020, 06:07 by:   funkwolf    PM
Score +35

If you came here to masturbate, you don't need to read the comments. Heck, it's advised that you don't read the comments. Lest you remember that you're in a crowd of people that are all just burning the time away.
Posted on 01 May 2020, 06:50 by:   DarkShadow6    PM
Score +31
what else can we as humans do but use up time? what's the point?

Posted on 03 May 2020, 20:16 by:   PregnantWhoreFucker    PM
Score +20
Ugh, I hate it when porn gets political. 🙄
Posted on 08 May 2020, 13:45 by:   debepaclo    PM
Score +61
What the hell is that? Their folks just go "Hey, we know you're fucking, it's okay and we won't stop you" and then try to poke some fun at them for it, before instantly changing the subject when asked. Like, that's the most positive, optimal response you could hope to get about literally anything, much less about fucking your sibling and having a baby together.
But somehow that makes her get all high and indignant about it and threatens physical violence because "All hell has broken loose?" I mean. Was she expecting them to be really into it and 100% super positive and excited (not just positive and affirmative, which they ARE) about having an incest baby?

That's some drama for drama's sake right there.
Posted on 08 May 2020, 22:30 by:   Shadowsamurai    PM
Score +31
One *could* say it's the alabama joke, but yeah... It's overreacting at best...
Posted on 15 May 2020, 00:17 by:   Will_00199    PM
Score -15
damn it, just a fucking porn, why so fucking serious? You expecting people learn *bad* stuff from porn????
Posted on 19 May 2020, 06:12 by:   Shadowsamurai    PM
Score +2
Cause we're torn out of the story by the sudden jerk in character, desperate for more story, or just bored in general? Take your pick.
Posted on 20 May 2020, 01:22 by:   Pertater    PM
Score -41
Furries trying to put plot in a porn comic and it's fucking awful, more after the break.
Posted on 29 May 2020, 05:02 by:   AhumanRS    PM
Score +34
Ah, quit being whiny pussies. If you don't like it, quit reading. You can always imagine this chapter isn't canon. You are letting yourself be bothered by it.
Posted on 24 June 2020, 01:20 by:   Emarmei    PM
Score +9
Incest > Homosexuality.
LMAO mad fags
Posted on 19 April 2021, 06:12 by:   MD40    PM
Score -17
Stop lying about iincest babies having a low chance of defects:

“The British Medical Journal, reporting on studies of first generation *father-daughter* and *brother-sister* incest births, ignoring the emotional costs, found 42 percent to be apparently normal, 58 percent diseased, retarded, or stillborn.” - ‘Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences’, Judith Reisman

"In short, the odds that a newborn child who is the product of *brother-sister* or *father-daughter incest* will suffer an early death, a severe birth defect or some mental deficiently *approaches 50 percent."* - ‘The Problem With Incest’, Hal Herzog, Psychology Today

I’m disgusted but unsurprised that short-sighted idiots are NOW trying to normalize INCEST. Ppl were viciously shut down as “hysterical homophobes” for warning that first it’s homosexuality, then pedophilia, pederasty, incest, bestiality, & polygamy. Guess they’re not so “hysterical” now, huh?

The “incest is not problematic” gaslighters are no better than the “homosexuality is never problematic” gaslighters who say: 1. gay sexuality is hardwired & unchangeable from birth when no gay gene’s ever been found, the APA admitted in 2013 that there’s no DEFINITIVE biological origin for homosexuality even if it FEELS that way to people, & that single-minded lifelong homosexuality is a sterile sexuality that has no evolutionary advantage for genetic & species survival 2. that ppl can never BECOME GAY or DEVELOP A GAY SEXUALITY b/c of environmental factors like being sexually abused by the same sex, although we widely acknowledge people can BECOME pedophiles after pedophilic sexual abuse, that porn can WARP people’s sexual tastes through the DEVELOPMENT of porn addiction & the need consume more extreme, violent, hardcore sex imagery to get even get aroused, and personally, & in many ancient (Ancient Greece & Japan) & modern societies (NAMBLA & Catholic priests) “gay male sex” has manifested as pederasty against young boys & young boys are a very *impressionable* demographic, and 3. Gay sex didn’t cause the AIDS crisis & anal sex is an unproblematic sexual behavior, although anal sex is one of the easiest ways to spread STDS and since gay men STILL practice anal sex the most, gay men STILL have the highest numbers of new HIV cases. Personally speaking, a couple of gay people told me sexual abuse MADE them gay. I’ll just say this, homosexuality is as fraught w/ issues as incest...but it’s difficult to honestly discuss homosexuality b/c anything critical of it is “homophobic” now.
Last edited on 19 April 2021, 08:07.
Posted on 24 February 2022, 06:24 by:   Orel_SS_Corp    PM
Score -26
It's all about principles, initially we were all on board, that anything that leads to healthy offspring and stable family. So male female marriage, with heavy punishment for cheating.
Since having a man rise and pay for child that is not his own, if not done willingly, was rightfully condemned.
Was the only thing that was to be considered normal.

The moment bunch of imbeciles decided that other things are fine, the initial principle no longer stood, and now everything else it's fine.
Well maybe not bestiality since fucking an animal still consist as animal's cruelty. Necrophilia would still involve sacrilege of a corpse. So those two supposedly are a pickle for the degenerates to legalize and normalize.
Though all things considered maybe those are temporary hold backs, considering how much they're pushing for pedophilia right now.
Which makes me wonder how they want bypass the whole parent is outrage, but since now children can vaccinate or change sex and go with invasive surgery, I guess parents are already bypassed. Strange cause I thought people would protect their children more viciously. But then again I though that about people is own freedoms, and to my horror I found that most prefer to be slaves.
Nothing surprises me anymore.

When it comes to incest itself, the biggest problem here, is that if you country happens to have "public" health institution, then you will be "enjoying" the bills for somebody else's inbreed child.
But since the same people are dumb enough, to subscribe to a idea that "every child is a child of everyone" I guess those are your inbreed children as well. Ehehehehehe.
Thank god that I moved to a country without "public" health.
Posted on 25 February 2022, 21:00 by:   casadeotelo    PM
Score +6
I am genuinely dissapointed with how little pregnant sex is in this comic It's my favorite fetish and alll the sex scenes seems to deliverately hide her belly

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