90% of Yu-Gi-Oh porn is of the anime characters rather than any monsters Of the 10% percent that isn't, 90% of THAT is of hetero waifu bait like Dark Magician Girl, Tour Guide from the Underworld, and Maiden With Eyes of Blue And in the 1% that constitutes all extant Yu-Gi-Oh porn that doesn't fall under those criteria, about a good quarter is of Aqua Dolphin, the vast majority of which is commissioned by one guy with a foot fetish, similar to how Falco Lombardi has become nearly synonymous with gigantism
At any rate, although they don't have any roles in the actual sex part, I'm glad that the existence of other monsters is at least acknowledged in this comic Now when are we gonna get stuff of the other furry archetypes like Gladiator Beasts, Fur Hires, Dinowrestlers, Blackwings, etc
Yeah the yugioh monsters have such infininte (gay) pron potential but it's pretty sad that there's so little of them. I'm not very knowledgable but from the dudes u mentioned+Neos im pretty dissapoinited there's such low amounts but granted I feel this towards most gay bara pron