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[Rammaukin] Curious Obsession (update)

Posted:2020-05-04 09:24
File Size:451.0 MiB
Length:67 pages
Favorited:148 times
Average: 3.60

Showing 1 - 40 of 67 images

Posted on 04 May 2020, 09:24 by:   Rammaukin    PM
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Thank you reading my comic.
(update: fix page 64)


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Posted on 03 May 2020, 10:03 by:   anotherSkyrimer    PM
Score +2
Oh, please I like this type of comix best. A sealed gemstone has the supernatural power to corrupt people and always this type of power is one of the Seven Sins(special for lust). If this power can be inserted into one woman, such as a ring or some other ornaments, she will become quite evil and try to spread corresponding sins and chaos along with human society, to make all human evil, to corrupt, to betray ethics. In this process, there must exist the supernatural power involved, like spells or desire magic. The woman controlled by gemstone has an excellent charm for me, the purest evil and magnificent dark outfit and tattoos. In this respect, she(must be a woman, a man cannot incite our lust) has become an executor, an embodiment of all pure evil, to spread all this evil to the world. This sense of corruption, this sense of belief converting, must be the shiniest point in the comix. As you know, this innocent woman, maybe a student, or a nurse, police, even a nun, who is originally kind and innocent becomes the purest represent of Sins, this process, her action, expression, and character are completely converted by this evil gemstone. In this process, the most important is that her soul is not eliminated. Her soul doesn't vanish and her body is not possessed by gemstones, no. Gemstones have no soul and they are just a sort of tendency, a trend to introduce everyone to become pure evil. As for the woman possessed by gemstone, her character is not dead, it still exists, but her opinion about good and evil is tortured and changed. If she was completely faithful to kindness and love in the past, now she becomes a thorough servant for evil. The most famous comix of this type is The Fallen Stars by Shinra-Kun, which you have known. But in this comix by Shinra-Kun just underlined the power of evil and didn't pay attention to the gemstone, which is a pity! I'm so excited that I can see this type by you here, thus I hope you can improve this comix to an epic, which tells a story that there are some evil gemstones left in corners in the human world, and when they are found and possessed by some women, a new plot begins. Those stone transfer between lots of women and corrupt them, which makes the world more chaotic. There are lots of ways for humans to corrupt such as snake or Vampire bite, hypnosis, sex, assimilate, parasite, anything you can imagine, but the source of evil power, the original outset, and the strongest power have to be those gemstones. That sounds like a hierarchy according to the extend of corruption or evil. This must be an interesting story. Just a suggestion Haha.

PS: Have you ever heard about a platform named Patreon( We can donate for you on this website and it is much better than Paypal.
Posted on 03 May 2020, 13:01 by:   Rammaukin    PM
Score +2
@anotherSkyrimer I'm very happy that you like it, I'm tired of the happy one: good or evil, I wanted to put something more human in it besides mystical. This is only one story, where two carriers appear, but I want to do the rest of the stories.

Right now I don't have Patreon, yet. For now I only use my Paypal account for those who want to support me, so I can expand my 3D library. In exchange for the help, I give the link to the last chapter of Curious Obsession.
Posted on 05 May 2020, 08:26 by:   ik9    PM
Score +6
thank update

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