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[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-05-05 19:37
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File Size:24.19 MiB
Length:14 pages
Favorited:1143 times
Average: 4.51
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing], added 2020-05-16 15:16
[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing], added 2020-05-23 08:53
[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing], added 2020-05-27 08:09
[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing], added 2020-05-31 08:07
[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing], added 2020-06-06 12:49
[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia) [Ongoing], added 2020-06-08 19:21
[Siroc] Backseat Bargain (Zootopia), added 2020-06-10 11:02

Showing 1 - 14 of 14 images

Posted on 05 May 2020, 19:37 by:   sadikus    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 06 May 2020, 07:58 by:   Imagine_Breaker    PM
Score +26
Oh nice this one's more up to date.
Posted on 16 May 2020, 16:13 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +50
With how desperate he is and how disinterested she is this isn’t even getting a halfer from me, art work is good the over all writing is good, but this is just embarrassing from a sex perspective. Still like the comic but I’m just here for the finish really I wanna know nicks reaction to this, with how much he keep bringing up nick you’d think he was wishing he was fucking him instead.
Last edited on 16 May 2020, 19:24.
Posted on 16 May 2020, 17:52 by:   hatepie    PM
Score +48
It's the pefect mix of awkward adherence to the characters and unrealistic situation.

Makes the sex uncomfortable and not really that hot at all.
Posted on 16 May 2020, 20:19 by:   NinoM4ster    PM
Score +0
aaaand it got leaked. lol
Posted on 16 May 2020, 23:51 by:   Imagine_Breaker    PM
Score +68
I think the realistic reluctance makes it hotter. Also damn, Siroc draws a fine Judy.
Posted on 21 May 2020, 18:03 by:   DragonKris    PM
Score +6
Does anyone here by any chance have the .PSD's to this comic?
Posted on 23 May 2020, 13:16 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +21
All those different positions, I'm thinking judy lost track of that 30 minute time limit.
Posted on 27 May 2020, 17:15 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +33
19 - They have the word 'doggy style' in a world where dogs don't exist?
Posted on 31 May 2020, 14:45 by:   OtleChip    PM
Score +20
Reluctance/Forced is a fetish for many. Myself included. This is hot.
Posted on 01 June 2020, 00:44 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +5
@OtleChip she isnt Being FORCED the Only reason She is Doing this Us for Information on Where is Nick finnick Is doing This as Service for Information that He gave Her
Posted on 01 June 2020, 04:16 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score -4
@bunsInthaOVEN Its forced alright, calling it rape might be wrong but forced is right, she obviously thinks dude is a asshole and a pile of garbage but is big enough to know that finding nick is more important at the moment but shit still doesn't want to do it, its more or less blackmail with the promise of sex.

She is being "forced" to do this because she needs to find Nick, he is her only lead and he knows it I don't know why it matters He's still a garbage dude none the less. Can't actually land a girl so when a chance comes around for you to get some tail, even if you have to blackmail the girl into doing it pretty chump move in my opinion
Posted on 01 June 2020, 09:01 by:   Shoebie    PM
Score +18
I'm gonna lol if this is some sort of daydream Finnick's having so's to drown out Judy's moping about how she ruined things for preds and Nick's friendship.

In fact, it's my pseudo HC now, you can't stop me.
Posted on 02 June 2020, 05:15 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +4
@Private Wolfbane wait iWhy are You trying Bring the Walking dead Into this Conversation now You ain't Making no Lick of Sense i Think you Just have A very Unnatural HATRED over Finnick and Keep on Trying flip The script To make A point Well that Wont work I still Stand for Wait i Said earlier Finnick ain't Forcing on Judy anything She gave Her a Choice And she Took it Nuff SAID
Posted on 02 June 2020, 06:15 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score -11
@bunsInthaOVEN You have got to be trolling, its a good comparison, If you have leverage or info they need over someone knowing they can't do anything without severe retaliation or leave without the info, you are putting them in a situation where the only choice is to sleep with you, thus forcing them to make the choice to sleep with you. Just because i see what a character is doing as shitty doesn't mean I hate the character, I can respect a scumbag character the same way i do any other characters, but im not gonna pretend what Finnick is doing is fine. The fetish and the story only works if Finnick acts this way if he was a good dude he would be asking more questions wonder what she did to his friends try to help find him and make sure hes okay but instead he decided to hold the information hostage until he got some sex, but thats the only way we were gonna get this story so yeah I like the comic. Not one thing I can honestly say I truly hate about it

If a girl wont sleep with you unless you have information or blackmail on her, what real option are you leaving her with? get outed, leave without the information she came for, and if you are the only source what other options does she have left? Depending on your answer Ill conclude you're either a troll or just sick in the head if you really believe blackmail specifically used for forcing people to do what you?
Last edited on 08 June 2020, 22:23.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 00:46 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +3
Okay first things first, I'm not upset like I've said before on this site I enjoy having discussion with people, but Blackmailing someone to have sex with you is objectively wrong its like one or two step below rape, if you feel that its not then I fear for your mental health, but I'm not gonna get mad about it and I don't understand why you think I am mad only time I think ive ever been mad on this site is in the comic Alfie but that was because my favorite character is considered #1 worst girl and I think otherwise? Second I have seen the movie and Judy did Blackmail Nick but not for her own selfish reason, this doesn't mean i think blackmail is okay in any context but, she did it to solve a case so I'm not gonna hold it against her shes a good cop. Third your entire message was almost unreadable either you are the one who's upset or English isn't your first language.

I don't know about you, but its been my understanding growing up blackmailing someone into sleeping with you isn't a good look in any way, if you are from another country, maybe the views about blackmail aren't as morally wrong, I don't know you personally so i wouldn't know, but here in america that shit will get you canceled, and is seen as the same thing as rape by many people which is understandable why would i believe that blackmailing someone to get sex is good if my own morals and the culture i was raised in say otherwise? Hey Remember that Superman comic where Superman blackmailed Lois Lane into sleeping with him? Me neither cause its a bad look.

If this conversation is bothering you that much man I won't reply to you anymore I ain't here to make people mad I'm just here to enjoy good stories with titties in them and talk about them with other men/women/other of culture its not that deep man
Last edited on 09 June 2020, 03:39.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 05:33 by:   MilesReilly    PM
Score +28
What's going on here in the comments?
Last edited on 09 February 2024, 05:22.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 14:42 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +16
@bunsInthaOVEN If you are able to find a comic with Superman blackmailing Lois for sex i would love to see it, real life send me a link, worst I think he's done is do a porno, but i think that turned out to be a trap for a director style super villain or something been a while since i read silver/gold age stuff.

@MilesReilly I wouldn't think to hard about it, if you're just here for the porn I'd stick to the actual comic if you want bizarre conversation, then you are in good company
Last edited on 07 June 2020, 19:43.
Posted on 06 June 2020, 14:31 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +58
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you secretly enjoyed yourself."
Ah yes, that look of disgust/disinterest that's been on her face the whole time, the constant objections and rolling of the eyes... she's been LOVING it. I know that time is of the essence here, even more so since we're having to deal with THIS bullcrap, but I hope that once she gets the information out of him that she needs, she spares a few seconds beating the living shit out of him.

Or that, that works too. lol
Posted on 07 June 2020, 19:24 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +5
@Wolfbane the Best thing I can Find of Superman blackmailing Lois lane Is this Besides that Nothing else Pops up About blackmail and Superman But there Were Many times Lois lane Tried and blackmail Superman It's probably Was a Comic but You gotta Look DEEP Into web And find It

@MilesReilly like Wolfbane said It's best Not to Think about Too much Some conversation Can get More crazy Then others Just sit Back relax And enjoy The porn
Posted on 08 June 2020, 20:26 by:   ForeverDigimon    PM
Score +21
"Where is Nick?"
Zootopia Fans: Continuity saved.
Posted on 08 June 2020, 23:59 by:   Pordon    PM
Score -10
"HAHA Psyche, I had an operation so I can get you pregnant, have fun with that~" is what I wish he said
Posted on 09 June 2020, 00:16 by:   CrystalMendrilia    PM
Score +16
Funny how people are down voting, "bunsInthaOVEN" so much. He's right. She did use blackmail to get her way in the movie. xD All these brainwashed people cannot see the hypocrisy of their own views. xD
Posted on 09 June 2020, 00:31 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +17
@CrystalMendrilia I mean there's a difference between blackmailing someone for sex and blackmailing someone to help you with a missing persons case(love how both of you just choose to ignore she wasn't doing it for herself), If Judy had done it for her own selfish reasons you might have a point, You could argue that she did it to further her position on the police force. And yeah she did Blackmail Nick but to be fair he just got done tricking her into helping him hustle the ice-cream elephant. Its like the difference between a Rich person or a Poor person stealing a apple, yeah stealing is wrong but if a poor person does it for survival, it doesn't make the act good but justifiable thus making it more of a moral grey area, but if a rich man steals an apple its more then likely hes doing it for fun which is wrong and not justifiable, morally wrong. So yeah Judy blackmailed Nick, but it was to help with a missing persons case she was working on, And here Finnick is blackmailing Judy for sex while holding back information she needs to find Nick, this is for obviously selfish ego stroking reasons so morally wrong. Context matters

I don't see how the concept of blackmailing someone into having sex with you is a good look or even a neutral look, I didn't really think it would turn into this much of a debate, I mean isn't that the point of this kinda fetish that its wrong and socially taboo? I don't see anything wrong with the comic but what is wrong with calling it like it is instead of doing mental gymnastics to try to justify Finnick?

I honestly thought that blackmailing someone regardless of gender or background, to have sex with you was objectively wrong but maybe I'm the crazy one.
Last edited on 09 June 2020, 10:16.
Posted on 09 June 2020, 04:30 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +40
I think people are downvoting more for the obnoxious wall of whitespace.
If you wanna get technical, blackmail is the threat of releasing damaging information. On Finnicks part this would be coercion, possibly extortion. On Judys part this would technically be prostitution exchanging sex for goods or a service.
If you want to get real, this is a porn site with parody plots of anything and everything. People get too worked up over what characters would or wouldnt do in canon, or hate seeing a character they like in a parody. Rule 34 eats childhoods and laughs at sjws, it aint worth getting riled up over.
Posted on 09 June 2020, 12:13 by:   ninesenshi    PM
Score +24
Hi Guys,
I would agree that black-mail sex is wrong (still hot to read about) but I don't believe this qualifies as blackmail. If i am correct about when this occurs in the movie, Judy has realized that she wronged Nick and is desperate to find him and explain herself. It's not as missing persons case and she has no reason to believe he is in danger. She just really wants to speak with him. So she asks for information and trades sex for it. If a person goes to another and says `I really need 100 bucks' and they reply `Sure, 100 bucks if you have sex with me' it's not blackmail, it's prostitution. So Judy is a whore here, not a victim. And for the record I don't believe either solicitation or prostitution should be crimes.
Posted on 09 June 2020, 13:53 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score -10
@ninesenshi Judy is whoring herself for information yes and I do agree she isn’t a victim of rape, but she is being forced into a situation where she has to sleep with him in order to find Nick and that Finnick is a desperate scumbag for putting her in that situation. My confusion comes from others saying that this is fair play since Judy blackmailed Nick in the movie. I just don’t get the need to try and defend Finnick. I may be using the word blackmail loosely here for what Finnick is doing but that doesn’t take away from how scummy it is.

Isn’t that the point in this kinda porn? What I’m getting at is don’t stick your hands in mud and call them clean, if something is scummy call it like it is. I had no idea that just saying blackmailing someone for sex and/or forced prostitution is scummy would be such decisive topic, could have sworn it was seen as universally as a shitty thing to do. not even saying the comic is bad the comic is fine, just the thing Finnick is doing is a scumbag way of getting sex. Maybe I am misunderstanding something does anyone think what Finnick is doing in this comic is normal?
Last edited on 09 June 2020, 18:29.
Posted on 10 June 2020, 02:09 by:   hatepie    PM
Score -9
>awkward, 1-sided sex
>unlikable versions of characters

So, uh, what was the payoff of this story supposed to be?

Also @ForeverDigimonScore

>Implying we want used-goods Judy for the continuity.
Posted on 10 June 2020, 03:06 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +16
@hatepie Its a Forced prostitution blackmail kinda fetish, some people dig the whole the person you're having sex with is completely disgusted by you thing and sleeping with you is a genuine humiliation on their part Like if someone gave them the choice of eating garbage or sleeping with you and they would get their desired result they would pick garbage every time, but they don't have that option so they have to settle for you. Think Leela and Zapp brannigan type of relationship but Zap is way more of a scumbag about the whole thing. Its an interesting fetish not my cup of tea but the comic was alright

i can only guess its that kinda fetish because of the art at the beginning with Judy giving a foot-job uncaring while on her phone like she could be thinking of a million other things she would rather be doing
Last edited on 10 June 2020, 17:15.
Posted on 10 June 2020, 12:51 by:   Deidmann    PM
Score +42
I've seen worse on this site cause less of a shit storm. Guess this needed heart eyes so people could feel okay fapping to the exploitation of a beloved fictional character. Like I thought this was normal at this point but apparently we need a thought bubble of Judy going "why am I enjoying this" or a total mind break cause somehow forcing someone to liking something they normally had reservations for is... better? Is it just the subject matter bringing in normies who don't get it, or are the people who are normally into this shit that fuckin turned off by this awkwardly realistic depiction of a common porn scenario. It ain't great, but why are we debating if Finnick is chill here? He's not, and the creator knows it too, that's the point, the very niche fetish. Who the fuck would justify this? But also, who the hell would justify half the dumb porn scenarios that happen in doujins on this site. Comedic under tones don't change shit, suspension of disbelief doesn't change shit, absurdity doesn't change shit. Though perhaps all this philosophising means the serious nature of this work makes it more of a dramatic narrative than fap lolmaterial. If the author continued this story maybe they could write something that'll give Girl With the Dragon Tattoo a run for it's money. If this was a video game I'd be directed my that pretentious fuck who made Heavy Rain. Can we all just come together and be glad that at the very least, it's not another "I Will Survive"?
Posted on 10 June 2020, 14:54 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score -11
@Deidmann If anything i want it to continue because I'm interested if the doe at the end actually goes to the cops and the first cop she sees is Judy, that would be an awkward conversation to have. Honestly i think you're right its a classic porn scenario like the collage prof. giving the student better grades for sex. Its a dope comic doesn't do anything for me boner wise but this isn't my niche gender swap with a more vanilla love story is more my style, but again great art decent dialogue if i was into this kinda fetish it would be a 10/10

At this point in my life i enjoy porn for the art it is rather then fap material, its what separates the perverts from the connoisseurs. The over analyzing is just my own brand of crazy if I don’t understand a fetish I try my best to understand it, isn't the point of the comment section to talk about the comic? I’m not saying anyone is a bad person for reading or liking it, it’s just porn of cartoon character after all. Hell there is a comic on this site where Nick helps transition Judy from cop to drug addicted cocksleeve, you can enjoy a comic while also recognizing how scummy it is, I'm not criticizing the comic in general if anything it does a great job setting up Finnick as a Horny creep taking advantage of the situation, isn't that the point?

Hell this is pretty in character for what we saw in the movie which is always a plus for me, I always find it interesting when fan comics give Finnick more character, because the movie didn't really do that and to be honest I was disappointed they didn't do more with him but its a movie so not everyone gets to have development. I've seen comics where Finnick is gay, he's Judy and Nicks best friend, ones where hes in a poly relationship with Judy and Nick, even one where he's really Nicks father but he's hiding it from Nick, and now one where he is a sleazy dirtbag, The guy is all over the place but that happens when his only defining character trait is being the short tough guy who cons people with Nick and with only 4mins of real screen time which sucks because the voice actor was amazing.
Last edited on 10 June 2020, 18:05.
Posted on 10 June 2020, 15:53 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +20
...Yeah, that was worth it...
Posted on 10 June 2020, 18:41 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +20
Sigh all This argument About who Is right Vs Who is Wrong is Just Entirely pointless And completely Useless
Posted on 10 June 2020, 19:07 by:   neo48126    PM
Score +6
lol that ending! this was a ok comic
Posted on 10 June 2020, 19:42 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +11
@neo48126 second that in terms of zootopia content on this site this breaks top 10 easy just wish it was a different style of fetish, it’s long enough for the porns sake and has a sense of humor artwork and character dialogue was on point, I’ll be on the look out for different works from the artist in the future. I legit envy the people who had all their boxes checked in this comic
Last edited on 10 June 2020, 22:33.
Posted on 10 June 2020, 21:54 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score -8
@Wolfbane fo Do me A favor And shut The FUCK up Because we Already been Had this Discussion already But right Or wrong But here You are Exaggerating again For the Gazillionth time How backmail for Sex is Wrong yet here You are Consenting how Judy and How blackmailing Nick is The right Thing to Do because He & judy Was hustling Ice cream Elephant which Makes you A big Dummy and HYPOCRITE No matter How black or White you See it Finnick did Keep his Promise and Told judy Where nick Was and Here you Are over Here bitching About how Finnick is Blackmailing and Keeping Information From huh Well DUH That is The entire Point of Blackmail to Keep information Unless person Can pay For info With money Or a Favor How is That selfish Ego stroking You dumbass Also blackmailing Aint called A fetish Neither

@ninesenshi um Wrong you Stupid ass Prostituting and Blackmailing are Two completely Different things Prostitution is a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. What is NOT What judy Is doing Blackmail is The demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. You are Just as Small minded And ignorant As wolfbane
Posted on 10 June 2020, 22:03 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +17
@bunsInthaOVEN I have done nothing but compliment the comic for my past 2 comments your trolling or your insane stop trying to start arguments for no reason, if anyone is a hypocrite it’s you, you just said arguing is pointless then you start an argument

Also literally anything can be a fetish or kink Lol, people are just weird like that no need to be upset, take a chill pill bro, I swear you’re actively trying to start a flame war, if so no judgment man like I said everyone has their kinks starting shit might be yours
Last edited on 10 June 2020, 23:14.
Posted on 13 June 2020, 02:20 by:   ssassaa    PM
Score +18
Whatever your stance is on the topic of cuckolding, can we at least agree that this comic was really mediocre? It felt very half assed and over before it even started. Even the climax page was very boring.
Posted on 13 June 2020, 10:22 by:   hoigoigoi    PM
Score +19
More please, that other girl needs some Findick.
Posted on 13 June 2020, 17:46 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +13
@Private Wolfbane now You are Exaggerating and Just BULLSHITING all I've heard From you Is backhanded Remarks and Comments about How finnick Blackmailing judy For sex Is bad Finnick is A doucebag and You keep Double standarding The different Between rape And blackmail I have Not once Heard any Nice compliments From you About this Comic not Even ONE so How am I trolling When it's You who Keep shit Talking about This comic You are The one Who keep Belittling this Comic not Me also P.S Dont have no Kinks i Think your Kink is Already wanting To be Right about Something you Are the One who Needs To CHILL
Posted on 13 June 2020, 20:56 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +17
@ bunsInthaOVEN ive already come to the conclusion that you’re either an idiot or a troll, because ive said this is top 10 zootopia comics on this site and saying I’ll be on the look out for other works from the artist. Arguing that blackmail isn’t a fetish when it’s a whole tag on this site. You can sit here and argue till you’re blue in the face, but I’m done with you, you’re like arguing with a boomer who fails to see reality. Peace and love big dog.
Last edited on 02 July 2020, 16:53.
Posted on 14 June 2020, 19:34 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +13
@Wolfbane im Neither because You fail To see The point Of argument Which started With you Complaining about My comments That is Correct btw And you Couldn't take It now You are Looking me In the Face lying In front Of everyone Because you Never said This was Top 10 zootopia Comic or I'll be On the Lookout for More work From this Artist so Why are You lying That's what I wanna Know talking With you Is Like Arguing with A wall You're the One who Wont Expect that You are Wrong DUMBASS
Posted on 14 June 2020, 20:56 by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +17
@Muffins Like i said Idiot or troll probably both
Posted on 16 June 2020, 14:02 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +13
You are Right @Cyianide Muffin it Aint non Of your Business because @Wolfbane knows He is Wrong and I've never Heard him Say anything Positive about This comic All I have Heard from Him is Bullshit backhanded Remarks and Stuff that Makes no Sense if You're gonna Take side Choose the Right person Next time Also learn How to Spell correctly
Posted on 16 June 2020, 18:20 by:   Cyianide_muffins    PM
Score +2
^Are you fucking retarded mate?
Posted on 17 June 2020, 19:54 by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +13
 @Cyianide Muffin no But apparently You are Because you Aint listen To anything That i Said and Resort to Childishly name Calling
Posted on 21 June 2020, 23:57 by:   derpballs    PM
Score -6
"no u" good comeback, chief.
Posted on 22 June 2020, 03:00 by:   blackheart327    PM
Score +50
Oh my god will all of you please get a life. Its a porn comic, not a translation of a holy text

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