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Zoe the Vampire reboot Arc3 (ongoing)

Posted:2020-05-05 22:30
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:204.1 KiB
Length:2 pages
Favorited:58 times
Average: 2.58
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

Zoe the Vampire reboot Arc3 (ongoing), added 2020-05-14 23:03
Zoe the Vampire reboot Arc3 (ongoing), added 2020-05-30 22:01

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 images

Posted on 05 May 2020, 22:30 by:   orangehamster    PM
Uploader Comment
If you like it be sure to check out the webcomic at
Posted on 30 May 2020, 23:42 by:   blackheart327    PM
Score +29
the art's better than before. the writing has also improved from before the reboot, but the author really needs to nail down the characters and actually stick with personalities for them instead of having them constantly flip motivation and goals over the course of a panel or two.

also this probably could have been one gallery with the other two "arcs"
Posted on 31 May 2020, 00:01 by:   orangehamster    PM
Score +44
Thanks for the kind words, I am working hard to improve every day, but it is a long process and moves at a snail pace. These were all drawn about 4-5 months ago so the newer stuff on my site is even better ;)

Zoe's motivations are consistent, so I am guessing you are referring to Daisy (the blonde). Daisy is a very traditional religious woman, but like many of them she is repressing her gay urges. That is why she seems to "flip". The last page of the comic shows her looking at a poster, that is a famous christian poster about walking with Jesus, having cum those urges have subsided and are being replaced with shame.

I first separated the arcs into separate posts as a experiment, I was noticing that my first post (which originally had all of the others included) wasn't being seen by many (like 600 people total when posting) I then made a second and third to see if they would get more visibility and both doubled what I was getting on the first. I am not sure if the original doesn't show updates to those that already voted or what but definitely saw an increase in views with new galleries. After the experiment I wanted to delete these and combine them again but for some reason galleries can't be deleted (or at least not on a whim from the creator). The only galleries I can delete are the ones already purged.
Posted on 31 May 2020, 03:46 by:   Bahilista    PM
Score +10
i want more
Posted on 31 May 2020, 04:12 by:   orangehamster    PM
Score +32
I have my own website where I post 2 pages of Zoe each week, I also have other comics there to enjoy. Currently am starting up what will surely be my most popular story yet. Zoe and her mom Abi will spend the night playing with dozens of different dildos.
won't be updating another arc on here until that arc finishes (the posting here is mostly to try to advertise the new stuff on my site). So if you want more, my site is the best place to get it.
Posted on 31 May 2020, 11:33 by:   midori-chan    PM
Score +13
great job again, and the improvements are being noticed as well. can't wait to see more. as an aside, i wouldn't put too much weight in a lot of the more toxic comments on this site. this kinda place isn't exactly a breeding ground for positivity and people will end up being overly harsh more often then not
Posted on 15 May 2021, 07:53 by:   endings    PM
Score +6
I wish Daisy and Zoe would have gotten more time. Zoe as firm, commanding Dracula could really go places.

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