Might as well upload them. Card and mobile game from SEGA and Kadokawa. Official site and stuff: http://ange.sega-net.com/ Lilia and Narumi are first because reason.
Complete-er sprite collection: https://mega.nz/file/tDRxAKYT#ZNrOZgMGrFGU1UaZQK0SFjel0mffiblyII71otePBM0 Card collection: https://mega.nz/file/ZOA2wSIQ#jVhV6Bo5vFM-r3XfWBM0M7V99DBdJGLN6TnWkQFY6YY Voice files: https://mega.nz/file/ULwxAJJJ#ay6dVivmdcYNc7zV0cZrosx1YV98Kye1eT0kEIhMqJE Mini character sprite: https://mega.nz/file/tDQn2aJB#OwGqnb88E7bZyJZqe1Sesq0bfB8ThPJu7w09JDWpabQ I swear I'll compile them into a torrent once I learn how to make one. I am not a clever man.