Base +6, Crash and Burn +6, Ckraemer624 -6, cuicui472 -9, in777 +7, bangheadshotz +6, emmanuelman -7, deeclimax -6, ALNu +7, Darkwolves602 +7, Bud_1911 +7, sandalph +8, Coolank +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 15 May 2020, 20:24 by:
KH0RNE Score
Base +6, cuicui472 -9, Ckraemer624 -6, bluewaff -8, in777 +7, bangheadshotz +6, emmanuelman -7, zero_0000 -6, Kaall +6, SinisterDexter -6, winterlong -5, MetroidPrimeRib -6, deeclimax -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 15 May 2020, 20:25 by:
Haborym Score
Base +7, Ckraemer624 +6, in777 -7, emmanuelman +7, Kaall -6, guilhermephoda -12, Prgl101 -5, cebra009 -7
Posted on 15 May 2020, 21:07 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +7, emmanuelman -7, Ckraemer624 -6, zero_0000 +6, Kaall +6, deeclimax -6, ALNu +7, sandalph +8, tizzo -5, guilhermephoda +12, ducefag -6
Base +9, deeclimax +6, ALNu +7, sandalph -8, NinthThrow -6, tizzo +5, Marky-O +6, rupture2354 -3, megaxleox +8
Posted on 15 May 2020, 21:24 by:
Aukujins Score
Base +6, megaxleox +7, deeclimax -6, Bud_1911 +7, sandalph +8, guilhermephoda +12, Bunsen +9, ducefag -6
Base +7, PK V II +5, deadman101 +6, liang5276x +3, C3l1 +2, orzuse +1
Base +2, PK V II +5, deadman101 +6, liang5276x +3, C3l1 +2, orzuse +1, mxz606 +3
Base +6, megaxleox -7, Fiore -7, rupture2354 -3, cebra009 -7, hidetto -5
Base +6, 7777 +8, guilhermephoda +12, megaxleox -7, C3l1 +2, Exham -6, rupture2354 -3, cebra009 -7, Bunsen +9, ducefag -6
Base +2, C3l1 +2, pantyuan +1, TVS6 +6