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[BlondeVelvet] Unfortunate Shrinkage (Star Sage)

Posted:2020-05-16 05:05
File Size:2.87 MiB
Length:11 pages
Favorited:25 times
Average: 1.53

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 images

Posted on 16 May 2020, 05:05 by:   Tyson Kennedy    PM
Uploader Comment
I am exactly 1 week late to the 10th anniversary of this being commissioned, but oh well.

Furaffinity Description:

This one is another unique one, and is a combined commission, meaning I paid for only half this series, and good thing too, as I would have gone broke paying for all of it. The other guy, SiliconMage, was a user on a site called Coiled Fist, a gay male Macro/Micro site that, well, I don't visit much anymore. I don't mind homosexuality in my vore, anymore than I mind furry, but I do mind lots of miss marked stories(More than 9/10ths of all stories Marked unaware on that site are not in any way) and I dislike RP requests from people in either 1337 speak, or just full of spelling and other errors, especially when you get mad at them turning you down. Mind you, not everyone on CF is like that, but then there's the level of gay to the site, which shoves it in your fave the whole time, never letting you forget it, and I just...I don't go there much at all anymore, I have to be honest.

Anyway, SM and I met there, and started to RP. The guy's fantastic, able to keep up with me, and sometimes we even do quick story trades, typing them up in an hour or so, and clocking in at about 1000-2000 words. Fun times. This comic, by Blondevelvet is based of one called Alex and Roger, with my playing the human, who becomes shrunk thanks to a spell, and tries to get the spellcaster fox's attention. Needless to say, it doesn't end well at all, but before the vore, there's lots of feet, and some rather buff guys of varying species.

BTW, anyone who wants to complain about the human element to this one...bite me. For those who just want the vore, enjoy.
Posted on 16 May 2020, 13:35 by:   Elf_Sponge    PM
Score -5
This really doesn't look like BlondeVelvet's art style at all

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