Base +6, shuimudao +1, 吳尹晨 +6, ok1886 +6, woomai +5
Base +6, shuimudao +1, 吳尹晨 +6, tom.xuoverlord +6, ok1886 +6, wling +6, orga1926 +1, Parker2099 +4, HPL2000 +6, YHT666666 +2, my200141 +6, h12300 +16
Posted on 24 May 2020, 18:18 by:
大地与山 Score
Base +6, 2001927qweasd +2, bmsboqycc1234 +6, chenziyao +6, ok1886 +6, youmiss +12, Donald_LYC +2, sanren66 +6, mokisama_ax1 +3, xsjsdww +2, demaxiyaggg +6, W G +6, Parker2099 +4, and 3 more...
Base +7, TASUKO -6, liyi1 -6, 吳尹晨 +6, karen780 +2, YY21IDFDKJ +6, ag-zcb -6, klbls2000 +6, worldsearchers -4, destroyer1314 +6, Parker2099 -4, a214523998 +6, ndamuleu -19
Base +6, smogchan +6, chaseyun +6, zz5685916 +1, wzqns123 +6, DK_Darkmatter +6, oqsb +6, pwower +4, msn666 +6, imyofa +3, 零崎霧識 +5, oguratomonori +6, Rikka324 +6, and 110 more...
Base +6, Parker2099 -4, woomai +6, cocofran -2
Base +6, imyofa +3, 吳尹晨 +6, ok1886 +6, sos582 +6, worldsearchers -4, yrsa9425 +6, orga1926 +1, chen0129 +6, Parker2099 +4, luo2339349995 +3, ehshareac1 +5, my200141 +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, ok1886 +6, yuanlue +6, Daoloth +6, quetzacoatl +9, No.A3 +6, Frank110() +5, 墨幽等待 +5, 老坛酸菜炖咸鱼 +3, ponnie01 +3, HPL2000 +6, my200141 +6
Base +6, Parker2099 +4, ehshareac1 +5
Base +1, Parker2099 +4, HPL2000 +6
Base +9, Parker2099 +4, 墨幽等待 +5, 八重樱的胖次 +3, HPL2000 +6
Base +6, fog47 +2, HPL2000 +6
Base +6, worldsearchers -4, jsjtsty +2
Base +6, worldsearchers -4, woomai +5, jsjtsty +2, HPL2000 +6
Posted on 26 May 2020, 16:36 by:
yokid Score
Base +6, worldsearchers -4, ndamuleu -19
Posted on 27 May 2020, 10:15 by:
Erictsai Score
Base +6, Parker2099 +4
Posted on 10 June 2020, 21:28 by:
伏地罗汉拳 Score
Base +6, 百合!!! +5