Whew Korean is a strange language; this is intended to be as accurate of a translation as possible with minimal editing. Unless I mistranslated some slang terms, this should be as close of a word for word translation as possible (though naturally there are rearrangements due to differences in sentence structure between languages) as I intended to leave as small of an editors footprint as possible. If I've seriously mistranslated some section, then I would very much appreciate if someone could correct it in the comments (and I'll make the appropriate edits).
If anyone has the original resolution uncensored images, an upload would be tremendously appreciated. As it is, only one of the original pages was posted in the artist's pixiv gallery :(
I've also included a textless version for other translators.
English: 1-14
Textless: 15-27
Because I really dislike how dry these types of "pure" translations are, I've done a rewrite for anyone interested (though it is much more heavily altered dialog than my usual editing style): /g/1651176/f27e9c3ed8/
EDIT** Jesus christ, I dunno if it's a server thing, but a lot of the gallery images look like compressed garbage. If you use the "download original" button they seem to save clean.