Base +21, Godofdrakes +11, fearreaper +6, azazin +6, RyantheFett +9, Bittersweetness +6, untraceablelarry +6, Darkfade +6, bigmak -6, Anonymous mystery +6, TFCaliel +4, user in a cup +4
Posted on 07 June 2020, 05:18 by:
Fierune Score
Last edited on 07 June 2020, 14:35.
Base +5, fearreaper -6, LordGr4 +15, Showdao +6, 路西法教徒 +6, Anonymous mystery +6
Posted on 07 June 2020, 18:12 by:
Tokage34 Score
Base +5, hachimu +6, getalife +9, jus_archive +6, Bittersweetness +6, draconispax +9, bigmak +6, Blablabladditybla +6, Draw99Gray +18, Dark Gale +6, cosmiclife +6, Anonymous mystery +6, Qwerty Bam +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, octoplushy +4, swaglord42069 +3, hachimu +6, jus_archive +6, eightball3k1 +6, Bittersweetness +6, draconispax +9, bigmak +6, BungeeLove -7, phenomenalrainmaker +4, Blablabladditybla +6, Dark Gale +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 07 June 2020, 23:39 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +7, emokid258 +5, Bittersweetness +6
Base +6, Henschel +6, draconispax +9, ZJFoster -6
Base +3, brotherdudejack +6, draconispax +9, fectylf-panda +5, Chaos1745 +5
Posted on 17 June 2020, 01:42 by:
Tsudan Score
Base +6, hentai_scientist +6
Base +2, The Archivist +9, JorgOfAncrath +6, Qwerty Bam +6
Posted on 20 June 2020, 03:12 by:
yemaozi Score
Base +16, The Archivist -9
Base +6, brotherdudejack +6, draconispax +9, Darkfade +6, phenomenalrainmaker +4, dragonbreak +6
Base +7, mrweezyer +7, Darkfade +6, JorgOfAncrath +6, hentai_scientist +6, Popandthedrop -5, koniu -8
Base +11, Undeadcynic97 -9, JorgOfAncrath +6, GGS -10, fectylf-panda -5, Evelyn13 -12, Popandthedrop +5, JinzoCrush +6, Rey Zatiro -6, Chaos1745 -5, John Silker -5, BigOOFF -6, koniu -8, and 1 more...
Posted on 01 August 2020, 07:37 by:
Jstain Score
Base +6, Undeadcynic97 +9, GGS +10, hentai_scientist +6, ignorantoftheshow +6, puzzlingtons +6, Baskets +6, azazin +6, GWright +6, brotherdudejack +6, TFCaliel +4, Wangerman +6, robus77 +7, and 1 more...
Base +6, JinzoCrush -6, brotherdudejack -6, John Silker +5, koniu +8