In the near future, waves of viral pandemics sweep the globe- but Dr. Von Hinten and her team think the cure rests in the loins of a young man. Nothing like a little bit of good ol' Vitamin D to boost the immune system, eh?
Coming back from a year long hiatus to give these comics another shot. The events in the comic are shaped by audience suggestions. The current poll will be open through July 1st. Rather than winner take all, I'll be trying to string together as many of the suggestions as I can. Suggestions that don't make it into the comic might still make it into the setting bible as soft canon. To vote, visit
Subscriptions to get first crack at suggestions and voting are free and handled through Gumroad:
Pages will slowly be colored as we go (and occasional redraws that I didn't catch while trying to hit my deadlines- looking at you, page 13 panel 1). Aiming for 3-5 installments on this 'un- just long enough to get back into the swing of things.
It sounds like the community is pretty unanimous that I've offended its sensibilities, so I'll refrain from posting the next couple of installments of the project- I'll wait til I have some other things to offer.
I'm a little blindsided, to be honest. If anyone has specific areas they'd recommend improving, I'm open to crits. I get that my own sensibilities aren't always the best match for the genre, but it's an area I'd like to improve in.
I like it so far. The bit about loan forgiveness made me laugh. The facial expressions are a bit too samey at times. A little more exaggeration would be good.
I can't say I like it, but offensive? Hardly. I think how certain people have handled the actual pandemic is offensive. This doesn't even bother me compared to that. It could just be I've never been a fan of "create your own story" deals.
I don't want political bullshit flooding the front fucking page. Last week there were FIFTY fucking variations of the same Wuhan Flu comic on the front page. All from the same very constant uploader. FIFTY.