As darkness continues to spread across the world of Remnant, a Grimm invasion befalls the Kingdom of Vacuo. Separated from her teammates and on the run from a pack of Beowolf Grimm with her aura on the verge of breaking, Velvet Scarlatina must regroup with her friends if she is to survive--and she's provided with just the opportunity to reach out when a wall comes crashing down on the pursuing pack. But the hungry Megoliath that knocked it down is about to become a bigger concern.
@jdpatch I wanted to hire this artist in the past. I really like their art style. So I asked Nyte a while back for the a link to the artist's page. Because I could not find any information about them. All I had was the name Nyte gave, Chirpy. He stated to me that the artist want's to be anonymous and was not known for normally doing this. So he is not giving out information on the artist, which sucks. I wish I could find them, but Nyte seems to be keeping that information to himself.