Posted on 30 June 2020, 08:55 by:
lostloss Score
Base +6, shuiwawaop +6, roy4801 +6, Atlas256 +2, 靥の靈 +3, thisissogood +6, narutolee123 +2, chenxiaoyu2013 +6
Base +6, wstjg520 +6, roy4801 +6, 靥の靈 +3, 1KINGSCV +6, sxj112 -6, hymbz +6, Gareth ng +4, thisissogood +6, 路西法教徒 +6, kevinfllay +6
Base +6, 终极的王牌 -11, HE01942529 -6, w14l14l -6, yyhwzs -6, bellcrom -6, ddvdv123 -6, WTF1248 -4, laosiji0000 -5, 星辰陈 +4, solidkojima -3, 浮生梦碎 -6, 你任哥 -6, and 8 more...
Base +2, w14l14l -6, yyhwzs -6, maranxu -6, ntrnosekai +3, bellcrom -6, ddvdv123 -6, NexusUU -6, laosiji0000 -5, 星辰陈 +4, HE01942529 -6, solidkojima -3, 秋秋秋秋秋 -5, and 10 more...
Posted on 30 June 2020, 10:20 by:
lxxxxx Score
Base +5, qscnkp +6, 靥の靈 +3, 6827486 +6, Gareth ng +4, thisissogood +6, 我是萝莉控King +3
Last edited on 30 June 2020, 11:08.
Base +2, ntrnosekai -3, can76892 -6, WTF1248 -4, DISASTER HELL +6, Hrunting -6, laosiji0000 -5, 星辰陈 -4, shuiwawaop +6, HE01942529 +6, kevinfllay +6, ouwenjie1627 +1, 牛逼闪闪 +6, and 107 more...
Posted on 30 June 2020, 11:06 by:
a0079527 Score
Base +6, 你任哥 -6, DISASTER HELL -6, Hrunting +6, laosiji0000 -5, JKRN700 -6, HE01942529 -6, ouwenjie1627 -1, 鬼谷姬 -6, solidkojima -3, 秋秋秋秋秋 -5, pointer243 -6, yzyhyt -6, and 17 more...
Base +6, laosiji0000 +5, 星辰陈 -4, DLENGCHANG +6, HE01942529 +6, kevinfllay -6, dtlcxtk33 +3, 你任哥 +6, death-er +10, ldj861122412 +6, wstjg520 +6, nongyeyimian +6, Atlas256 +2, and 7 more...
Base +3, wstjg520 +6, nongyeyimian +6, Kerisato -6, Hevol +6, zixiehuangxiang +6, sunfanchao +6, a295973261 +3, loyotl +2, aizixun -6, Wangder +2, thisissogood +6, 135790sa +3, and 8 more...
Base +6, Billy Nico +6, wstjg520 -6, HE01942529 -6, HandsomeRiley -2, hiddensecret059 -6, qq3870990 -24, godzktom -6, 1KINGSCV -6, 锑芯地球仪 +12, loyotl -2, himehm -5, 8TA9FK +5, and 27 more...
Last edited on 21 July 2020, 09:19.
Base +7, Priapus120 +6, lastshoot +6, maranxu +6, 浪里小狼 +6, panxuanershang +4, 1KINGSCV +6, NWINDY +8, Gareth ng +4, Flying_Piggy +6, suyingwun +6, temperature +17, i936845886 +6, and 30 more...
Base +6, aizixun -6, Gareth ng +4, Kaotheold +4
Base +6, Layxee +6, maranxu +6, HE01942529 +6, NWINDY +8, himehm +5, aizixun -6, thisissogood +6, NewYearrrrr +6, ZMRsss +2, kuvy君 +6, WildnessChoir +6, ougen1234 +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, Fenrir_gran +5, 靥の靈 -3, sunfanchao -6, fengchuanlinhai -6, DarkProjector +6, HE01942529 -6, godzktom -6, 1KINGSCV -6, 锑芯地球仪 +12, worinimm -6, cqygicb -5, a295973261 -3, and 16 more...
Base +6, qq734619177 +6, Alonelynerd +6
Base +6, exzead -6, HE01942529 -6, godzktom -6, ExtraSilver -6, 1KINGSCV -6, fhnewkk123 -6, 苍白的正义 -4, 锑芯地球仪 +12, worinimm -6, a295973261 -3, himehm -5, light-daz -6, and 15 more...
Base +6, exzead -6, HE01942529 -6, godzktom -6, valentiuns -6, 1KINGSCV -6, fhnewkk123 +6, 苍白的正义 -4, 锑芯地球仪 +12, cqygicb -5, himehm -5, light-daz -6, 83913536 -6, and 25 more...
Base +2, himehm -5, 83913536 -6, jjokerjay +1, sanjiko +6, f_feather -6, Dracay -7, 大湿兄 -6, Loliconwww +2, 中草药hhz -5, Bruno Murphy -6, 135790sa -3, Ashetony -5, and 8 more...
Base +3, HE01942529 +6, 苍白的正义 +4, 锑芯地球仪 -12, cqygicb +5, himehm +5, jjokerjay +1, aizixun -6, lost★ +6, sanjiko -6, bilibili toasted -6, Hiröless -6, 274703 +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, cqygicb +5, himehm +5, HE01942529 +6, maranxu +6, NewYearrrrr +6, Tjc15813148212 +6, tjw@007 +6, Alonelynerd +6, WTF123123 +6
Posted on 30 June 2020, 16:21 by:
wang1520 Score
Base +6, cqygicb +5, himehm +5, HE01942529 +6, XonsterF +4, aizixun -6, Nya_miao +6, sanjiko -6, 绅士欲 +6, yecheng Zatara +6, 旋律之天神 +6, 345866ee +6, yuxixxx +4, and 5 more...
Base +6, SpiritSoloist -7, 神羿翼 -3, Hiten画纯爱 +4, sanjiko +6, JDNEROKO -6, ybtdyp -6, 中草药hhz -5, xi_zai -4, Hiröless -6, 274703 -6, Divine Yiyi -1, JBSJX -5, and 9 more...
Posted on 30 June 2020, 18:00 by:
No31 Score
Base +3, sanjiko +6, 135790sa +3, norway smoked fish -6
Posted on 30 June 2020, 19:19 by:
ollie233 Score
Base +7, chenze2000 +6, h-lam +7, sky keeper +6, thisissogood +6
Posted on 30 June 2020, 19:45 by:
帥逼晨星 Score
Base +6, daofengshi +4, DRINKTONAIZI +6, thisissogood +6
Posted on 01 July 2020, 03:27 by:
a2260961 Score
Base +6
Posted on 01 July 2020, 12:09 by:
星言夙驾 Score
Base +6, blackjack1 +6, Infi_Justice +6, qvb216 +6
Posted on 03 July 2020, 03:32 by:
我要起飞 Score
Base +2, 林由绮 -2, 无昵称orz -6, z61624 +6, 小布丁 +6, 274703 -6, 绅士欲 -6, death-er -10, rev233 +6, 02darling -6, Kingdom22 -6, heiqiuqiu -6, 190151292Leung -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 06 July 2020, 04:52 by:
zyhz4708 Score
Base +1
Posted on 11 July 2020, 01:28 by:
走过的路 Score
Base +6
Posted on 22 July 2020, 05:41 by:
亚瑟2017 Score
Base +6
Posted on 08 August 2020, 06:35 by:
江山美色全文 Score
Base +6, rev233 +6
Posted on 04 October 2020, 02:57 by:
yzhiswell Score
Base +2, jiqinwei +6, fg2731355203 -6, otherjesnico -6
Posted on 17 November 2020, 02:03 by:
了却一瞬昙花 Score
Base +6, 190151292Leung -6, 1418907030Aegis -7, zeroml -3, yellowBW -6