Can you help a bro out, with donations for my hard work bringing you these scans or even help out pitching in any amount for the more expensive books below (price for books will be in yen and usd). These books have NEVER been scanned yet, most of them rare, and being furloughed that I am since Mar 15th I can't go after these unless for some miracle I hit the lottery (yeah, right). Anyway, if you wanna help me out, cuz you know I bring quality scans, feel free to do so using
(Or PM me in case above don't work)
Expensive books I really wanna scan so badly (circle and title are in kanji I don't have time to Google translate) All of them are in Suruga-ya, still in stock, some last in stock -------------------------------------------- 1.中山式健康図書 初春すうぃっち (Railgun) 5000y $46.66