It has been sudden but, is everyone is aware of the recent increase of the cross-dressing culture right? In recent cosplay events many cross-dreser cos-player can be seen, there are games and anime, even TV dramas on the subject of young boys cross-dressing.
And then the fact that you got this book in your hand means, that you too, have no small interest on cross-dressing isnt that right?
Not long ago cross-dressing could not be discussed so openly, persistently it was made into a unique perverted hobby.
Compared to that era, today's environment surrounding cross-dressing has changed very much, linked to the boom of understanding brought by the internet, maid boom and such, has increased considerably the amount of people who informally cross-dress in events and entertainment if compared to before.
This way, among those who temporary started to cross-dress, there are not a few who embrace and stay cross-dressing like this.
But now even when we go and take our first step breaking into cross-dressing, there is no one who can even teach us, or that we can even ask for fear at being regarded as a Hentai, and afraid we dont even try to ask.