If you're wondering, yes, this is all there is, only 4 pages.
Extras Tecknophyle: "From Master of His Domain 2, the base uniforms of Team Montrose. Montrose Force? Rudy's Amazons? I really need to come up with a name for them....."
"....Abigail in a Type 1 Suit, which is the basic general uniform." https://tecknophyle.deviantart.com/art/Type-1-Uniform-751727073
"....Virginia in a Type 2 uniform, aka the Sexy Staffer." https://tecknophyle.deviantart.com/art/Type-2-Uniform-751727343
"....Jun in a Type 2A Uniform variant." https://tecknophyle.deviantart.com/art/Type-2A-Uniform-751727628
"....Bryce in a Type 3 Uniform, which will be making its debut in the June 28 issue." https://tecknophyle.deviantart.com/art/Type-3-Uniform-751727816
"....Joan in the Type 4 Uniform, preferred gear of hot scientists and medical personnel." https://tecknophyle.deviantart.com/art/Type-4-Uniform-751727974
....Jo Lucas, happy to get named (and created) as one of the unseen people operating as part of Rudy's team wearing the Type 5 Uniform, making its debut on July 12.... https://www.deviantart.com/tecknophyle/art/Type-5-Uniform-753318880
".......And finally, Esther Underwood (also previously unseen) in the Type 6. And no, before people asks, except for the Type 4 the uniforms don't have any significance other than personal choice about what the character wants to wear. But who knows what the future holds..." https://www.deviantart.com/tecknophyle/art/Type-6-Uniform-753319167
Other Stories by Tecknophyle
Here are the links to the other pieces of the collection
You can find more here including previews & sample http://www.mccomix.com/gallery3/index.php/covers http://www.mccomix.com/gallery3/index.php/samples/tecknophyle http://tecknophyle.deviantart.com/